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Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:39 pm
hey im trying not to offend anybody here but y pay shit load of extra for a email

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:46 pm
by Z()LTAN
ok without trying to 'offend you'

You order them directly, organize shipping, pay all the taxes.

It will cost as much or more.

It was damaged in shipping, it didnt arrive, it will no longer work for you, something is wrong with it.

Unlucky, no one can help you.

For the extra couple of dollars you go through locktup 4x4, place the order and your done. Anything goes wrong they can/will help you.

Pretty simple...

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:12 pm
hey if you r happy to pay more for emails good on you
i can email pretty dam cheap come on do u think they are sitting on a shelf here in oz wake up when you order a email is sent to USA and it is sent to your address
why dont you let billybob or locktup answer this
oh soory just realized you atre sponsersd by locktup
my mistake

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:21 pm
by johnsy86
yeah Zoltan as if u would pay a lil extra for peace of mind that u are actually going to get the goods u ordered, come on as if anyone has ever lost anything in the post before :finger: i dont think your grasping what he is saying, if u buy through locktup and something goes to shit its locktups fault and they will warrent or source a replacement, if it goes missing or doesnt show, is busted broken or whatever hence why they may charge a lil extra than u think u can get them direct for, what happens if u order 1 and it goes missing for some unforseen circumstance, planes crash, ships sink it happens then u are forced to pay again for an item u have already payed for, i myself personally dont mind paying a lil extra for peace of mind ;)

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:21 pm
by Z()LTAN
Im not trying to speak for locktup here mate, just laying out the facts.

Every day locktup get called up to help out some dude that bought something out of the states and now its broken or its wrong.

Its not fair on them, they'd love to help but cant do much when you were the one who bypassed them in the first place.

Whats this about paying for emails? U think shipping and insurance and taxes are free?

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:50 pm
ok zoltan u have had problems ordering stuff
sorry to here that but i am a old bloke who can still manage to do it yes i can still get what i need
if anybody else has probs ordering from overseas please give me a call i will help out to the best of my abilities
Gordon 0404871068
proudly sponsered by overdraft :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:13 pm
by johnsy86
madshort i think your still missing Z()ltans point,if i buy something from overseas can u 100% guarrantee me that it will show up? and if it doesnt will u then pay for another one to be shipped to me? and if it turns out to be faulty will u then pay for return shipping and another product for me? yeah i dont think u would personally, i think u would go ah well thats the risk u take when buying from overseas, where as locktup will make sure it turns up and cover any excess shipping fee's as they have done for me in the past, but anyways back to the 80series highsteer and your quest to buy direct lol

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:39 pm
ok do u think you are still going to get your shit quicker because your email has been sent by locktup
get with it guys the parts u r buying r still comming from USA the warranty is no difference
u need to pull your head out of your arse it wont be here tommorrow cause its wrong or not right
i am pretty sure resellers will use freight as a reason for u not recieving your goods
i have now brought cvs
chromos thank you bobby
diff ratios x 2 thank you
hysteer x 1 and 2 on order
drive flanges x2


Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:51 pm
please nobody comment on this unless u are a rep from either locktup or billybob

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:37 pm
by Z()LTAN
righto gordon.

Ive been told to not argue with idiots as they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...

You sir have some experience...


Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:13 am
by 80's_delirious
Z()LTAN wrote:righto gordon.

Ive been told to not argue with idiots as they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...

You sir have some experience...


Q: what do you get when you argue with an idiot?

A: Two idiots arguing!

no judgement on either idiot in this thread :finger: :D

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:16 am
by Z()LTAN
80's_delirious wrote:

Q: what do you get when you argue with an idiot?

A: Two idiots arguing!
Thanks :finger:

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:35 pm
by johnsy86
Z()LTAN wrote:righto gordon.

Ive been told to not argue with idiots as they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...

You sir have some experience...


Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:38 pm

Saw the above and felt like sharing, I got a call this morning, Aus Post have lost my new steering arms and knuckles. (6 Shooters)

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:06 pm
by Shadow
WICKED wrote::rofl:

Saw the above and felt like sharing, I got a call this morning, Aus Post have lost my new steering arms and knuckles. (6 Shooters)

THAT CAN't HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:01 am
by evanstaniland
also champ some companies in the states will not sell directly to private people overseas, they get you to go thru there AUS distributers keeps people in jobs, adds extra support!


Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:32 pm
by 80's_delirious
evanstaniland wrote:also champ some companies in the states will not sell directly to private people overseas, they get you to go thru there AUS distributers keeps people in jobs, adds extra support!

I'm sure some manufacturers are happy not to have the hassle of sending parts OS to every Tom Dick and Harry who only want one left side knuckle, tie rod tapers etc etc. When they have a strong local market for what they are actually making.

check out the thread on Pirate about these knuckles, compared to the half baked interest in them here.

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:41 pm
well that will be why i am askings billybob if he will sell direct to people and cut out the middle man
oh cause if people can save a couple of dollars they will
this rubbish about things missing and assurances that you will get it cause you order in oz is CRAP

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:10 pm
hey wicked did you buy here in oz or direct
just wondering cause i got a feeling it dont matter where u ordered them they are missing
i work with oz post hope they turn up here :lol: never seen them :P
hope they turn up soon or you have to fill claims form out

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:53 am
by TheBigBoy
80's_delirious wrote:
evanstaniland wrote:also champ some companies in the states will not sell directly to private people overseas, they get you to go thru there AUS distributers keeps people in jobs, adds extra support!

I'm sure some manufacturers are happy not to have the hassle of sending parts OS to every Tom Dick and Harry who only want one left side knuckle, tie rod tapers etc etc. When they have a strong local market for what they are actually making.

check out the thread on Pirate about these knuckles, compared to the half baked interest in them here.
I dont think its half baked mate. People are definately interested in them here. And Aus puts up a huge market for OS 4x4 parts as we cant get what we want here or they are too damn expensive. The first thing is the price, and the second thing is we dont want or need to run both sides. Which also reflects the price.

Its like arb air lockers. Sorry but im not buying them here if I can get them cheaper from the states. Which is the dumbest thing in the world and just shows how much we get touched on these items. Even know they are made in melb, for some reason (mainly greed) its cheaper to send them over sea's, we buy them and get them sent back and its still cheaper.

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:16 am
TheBigBoy wrote:
Its like arb air lockers. Sorry but im not buying them here if I can get them cheaper from the states. Which is the dumbest thing in the world and just shows how much we get touched on these items. Even know they are made in melb, for some reason (mainly greed) its cheaper to send them over sea's, we buy them and get them sent back and its still cheaper.
Your local stockists might be lucky too buy 50 lockers at a time, the USA will be buying 500 at a time.

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:40 am
MADSHORT wrote:hey wicked did you buy here in oz or direct
just wondering cause i got a feeling it dont matter where u ordered them they are missing
i work with oz post hope they turn up here :lol: never seen them :P
hope they turn up soon or you have to fill claims form out
I got them here. Cost me about $30 more than I could get it for and I had them in 3 days. Well I had them in 4 but that was Aus Post fault not the sellers.

I've looked into shipping (boat) stuff over ALOT! Its dearer and not worth the hassle if it's small numbers.
For example I was going too buy a seat from the USA cause I wanted a custom size one and it was way way too dear here. It was $600 to fly it over. It is roughly $80-$100 to boat it over but as it's going to the docks I'd need to pay customs etc and it was going too be around $300. It was around the same price for a single seat and 20. Customs wise not freight wise. That's customs on a new product theats made in the USA. If it's second hand bend over, if it's Chinese forwarded thro the US bend over as free trade doesn't apply.

As for getting these knuckles over here, a 6 shooter and arm (1 side) is around $60 to ship it. These are bigger (bigger ball bigger cv) these arms look chucked and look too weigh more.
If you get a set here on your own, some how they fail, you'll have too ship them back too the US and you'll have too pay for shipping too and from. As well as dealing with shipping a second hand item that has been used, covered in oil and grease and that may have traces of wood and grass and other shit.

For the saving of let's say $500 once are you willing too risk the possiblity of having too ship and deal with customs if something happens? That's if there is a warranty.

I'd rather pay the extra and have the peace of mind that there is some else for it too fall back on and they can deal with everything and everything.

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:21 am
by Z()LTAN
Just to add to this discussion, aus accounts for about 10% of part sales from these kinds of companies. Do u really think they will go out of their way to help someone who is so tight assed as to buy only one bloody swivel housing...

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:56 am
by TheBigBoy
Z()LTAN wrote:Just to add to this discussion, aus accounts for about 10% of part sales from these kinds of companies. Do u really think they will go out of their way to help someone who is so tight assed as to buy only one bloody swivel housing...
Sorry, we all cant work in the mines.

Yes... 10% is 10%. And if thats what the customer needs. How hard is it. They are made seperately, so just sell them seperately. Its only a matter of time till someone in the states will buy the pairs and ebay the left hand side ones.

You may call me tight arsed mate. But ive been there and done that. You obviously have deep pockets and still caught up in it all. Ive had comp trucks and engine swaps and spent a bloody fortune when I was younger. Sick of doing that these days and just want a comfortable tourer that can still go everywhere. Family and responsabilities will put a stop to that real quick.

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:53 pm
by Z()LTAN
Not having a go at ur life choice buddy just saying that the target market of these is more towards the hardcore people that buy them without issue. Not the daily driver that wants a better dl angle.

Enough bikkering. Any updates on these billy?

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:37 pm
by TheBigBoy
Oh, no I am a tight arse :armsup:

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:19 pm
by crankycruiser
Well I must b loaded and work in the mines, cos I bought a set and didn't whinge about it...

Get back on topic ladies

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:04 am
by Black Bull
crankycruiser wrote:Well I must b loaded and work in the mines, cos I bought a set and didn't whinge about it...

Get back on topic ladies

seems nearly every thread here starts to drivel lately :roll:

When are the Ball Joint versions going to be ready :armsup:

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:30 pm
by billybob13
MADSHORT wrote:well that will be why i am askings billybob if he will sell direct to people and cut out the middle man
oh cause if people can save a couple of dollars they will
this rubbish about things missing and assurances that you will get it cause you order in oz is CRAP
just to clear this misconception, these are available through locktup for less than i can offer you directly. locktup has experience with shipping to australia, and knows all the do's and don'ts. his mark up on these parts are absorbed through us as a wholesale price. so don't worry, he's not laughing all the way to the bank with his marginal markup on price. :)

i dont know all the logistics of shipping to australia from the U.S., but i do know that it is outrageous with all the fees involved. if you have any further questions regarding shipping you can reach me at

keep in mind that we are not going to ship to australia directly. locktup will be your only souce. the extra fees are not in the hands of locktup or hellfire fabworks.

thanks, -billy
hellfire fabworks

Re: 80 series hi steer?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:00 pm
by Ice
guys locktup is the answer to get these in, if they wernt going to bring them in i would have..

you cant beat Chris's service, if anyone has any problems give them a call, id hate to see somone caught with a set of these sitting in customs and having to pay a release/duty fee

supply and demand will drive the price down, perhaps if enough people are interested there may be some kinda deal/group buy locktup could offer ? just takes enough interest to get the ball rolling..