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recovery option

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 6:49 pm
by mick!
I'd say that it is really personal choice.

Personnally i dont keep the tongue in the hayman reese towbar during 4wding. i foun that it is very annoying when I get hung up because of it.

I would slide the snatchum into the receiver and use the pin as you said.

I would suggest that this is the method i have seen in many a 4wd mag too.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 3:30 pm
by lowlux
All straps made by national webbing have a overload inditcator woven into the strap. ARB, OL Mean Green are made but National Webbing and i also beleive TJM and Beaver(black rat) also use them to make thier webbing products. There is all so a no. of smaller companys that source there straps from them. My $0.02 on using a tow ball for recovery no way!
