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transponder keys for 100 series..

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:15 pm
by kevdog
only have one bloody key for the new hungy... has anyone used mr minit type ppl to cut transponder keys before? any good? and what about getting a new fob for the central locking... has anyone had to do this before and how did you go about it?

i just know it will be exxy if i go to the dealer....


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:59 pm
i think i was quoted $28 to replace mine at toyota as the batteries cant be replaced

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:21 pm
by junior80
what ever you do don't go to mister minit. go to a locksmith to get the keys cut. You will need to get the ksy from toyota, they will send you to a locky to get th key cut, once thats done you go back to toyota and pay lots and lots of money and they program the key's code for you.

I'm not sure what toyota charge, I know all the lexus keys we cut at work cost well over 200, subaru charge around 160, holden are a bit cheaper at about 130.

expect to pay up around 200 I'd say.


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:12 pm
by Tooheys
With the key as long as you have the master key and not the slave normal locksmith can cut the key and program it. With the fob just buy another one from toyota then follow this procedure to program it:

unlock car jump in dont close door.
lock and unlock door with original fob.
quickly put key in ignition and turn from acc to on to acc 20 times quickly
remove key once you hit 20 hazard lights should then flash 20 times.
once it has stopped flashing hit lock then unlock on old fob.
then hit lock unlock on new fob.
new fob should be programmed.

been awhile since I've done this so 20 might not be the magic number but thats the procedure I got taught be a locksmith.


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:57 pm
by bj42turbo
yeah I agree with the above Dont go to mister minit, go to a Locksmith


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:24 pm
by kevdog
turns out ney key from yota dealer is 75 bucks and remote is 32 bucks plus 30 or 40 to programme....

150 for both plus programming form key cutter...

who would a thunk that the dealer would be cheaper....

thanks for the tip on programming tho...