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Topic on suspension

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 11:47 am
by bj on roids
well the other topic is gone? tonka?
i didnt do nuthin wrong even :(

strange rover sam what do you reckon? could stiffer springs help?

the slinky, by the SRC guys, sam i think made it:
how would you be on side angles? :shock:


a suzuki done in a similar fashion:


he said sometimes it just flexes....and other times, it just wont, could there be a reason for this?
seems to me like it would roll an awful lot:
but why then did it just flex in this pic? even with the boat on the roof!?!?!?!


Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 11:54 am
by bert
do all those people come with the suzi?

Maybe i could get a cheaper accessory pack with less people to bolt onto my suzi.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 11:56 am
by Wendle
I am pretty sure both those rigs are built with the ford van coils??
I think they are only supplementary to an airbag in their original application, so they have a very low rate.. You can see how fine they are..
This all heresay though, and has come straight from the batcave ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 12:15 pm
by grimbo
I think with his coils being so soft (some ridiculous rate which I've forgotten :oops: ) and his shocks angled at such an extreme angle coupled with the wide axle narrow location of coils it all adds up to next no roll stiffness.

If you look through the SRC site and other web locations more often than not the Slinky is shown either on its side or about to flop. There is such a thing as too much flex and this it. If you could stiffen the rate a bit and get a bit more balance between flex and control it would be awesome.

I think some people go for outright flex which can lead to the embarassing suituation where all 4 wheels are on the ground with no traction just spinning away. Whereas a stiffer car with lockers can put more pressure down or even lift a wheel but continue through. At moab in one of the hot tubs there was the funny site of one of these rock buggies spinning away at the bottom for about 10 minutes until finally strapped out. Then a Tropper (Jackaroo) with a front locker and 33s just drove straight through.

Another problem with such soft springs etc is the cars tend to flex to a point and then completely unload in spectactular ways usually ending up with a stuck.

Just my 02c worth :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 12:47 pm
by Zookymatt
I agree with Grimbo that there is such a thing as too much flex. People get their priorities around the wrong way aswell. What good is something that ramps over 1000 on a 30* ramp if you can't sidehill at even say 40*???

Also, that second shot of the black suzi is a classic example of why too much rear steer can be a problem. Some people say that you can just drive around the problem but it's not always the case.


Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 2:41 pm
by bj on roids
Wendle wrote:I am pretty sure both those rigs are built with the ford van coils??
I think they are only supplementary to an airbag in their original application, so they have a very low rate.. You can see how fine they are..
This all heresay though, and has come straight from the batcave ;)

thier are two types

the van in question is the ford aerostar, there is a passenger and a commercial type

i beleive the passenger van has spring rate around the 75/125 lb/inch
as opposed to commercial, looking at 125-150lb/inch

they are supplementary to an airbag in thier factory application, hence the soft spring rate, rockstomper, of manits and rockstomper offroad fame uses these in his mucho grando, top secret truck called the manits, any and all information on this rig is top secret, but if you ask he will tell you, EXACTLY what you want to know, and even give detailed pictures and specs, to the best of his knowledge, DESPITE having a business, that his information may detriment on, thats why i reckon he is a champ!!

good points grimbo!! ;)

i just love the pics is all

yeah, those spectacular unloadings at that critical rollover point is the overkill zooks problem at TTC, he has apparently re-designed it all, so it should be sweet!

the outright flex is a good point:
they had pics of a guy on the SRC site, who basically had a "hinge" thats right a hinge between the diff and chassis, the hinge was a leaf spring, mounted across the axle and attached to the frame...i had no idea how it would work as a suspension design, in fact it wouldnt, but damn, it could flex near 90 degrees :twisted:

its all about the ramp bay-bee!!

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 8:43 am
by ToNkA
This is still tech, hence topic moving to 4x4 tech.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 8:54 am
by M&M Custom Engineerin
my cruiser with the rover coils would do what slinky is doing in the top shot. Mine was a little worse in some situations because the the coils were only captive at the top so it would totally unload, at least his coils are captive both ends to give some resistance.