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Electronic rust prevention
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:50 pm
by DL
Hi all,
Has anyone used this system with any success, and if so what brand? 83 2 door about 100m from beach and never washed or garaged.
cheers, DL
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:03 am
by DL
Lack of replies is making me think few people are using this system.
cheers, DL
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:50 pm
by A*D*A*M
Hi DL,
I'm running the ERPS system on my Rangie. This is the third car I've had an electronic rust protection unit on. They say you can transfer them from car to car, but for $300 or so, by the time you mess around, pull off all the wires and electrodes, its just easy enough to buy a brand new one for the new car.
In the past, I've spent a majority of my 4x4 time on Stradbroke and Fraser Islands and Teewah/ Rainbow Beaches. Previous vehicles (series III landy, 2 x CJ5, 1 X CJ7, 40 Series Cruiser, Hilux, my old Man's Defender) have started rusting up within 8 - 12 months. This is after doing the whole fish-oil and black tar paint thing. So then I've slapped some bog in, given a dodgy paint job and sold them off before it gets too bad. (apologies to anyone who has bought a car off me).
I have run the ERPS system on a FJ73 Cruiser and then a sierra. Same beach use, but have sold each in my own time, because they don't suit my purposes any more, rather than that they are rusting out from under me.
I've had my current Rangie with ERPS now for 4 years (longest I've owned a car to date) and no rust. I don't live in Brisbane since about 3 years ago, but I've still done Fraser once, Straddie a few times, Stockton and a few other beach trips as well. To date, no rust anywhere on the car. Yeah, sure most of the panels are aluminium, but there is plenty of metal underneath. Any exposed metal gets surface rust that then turns black and seems to seal itself over. Was the same on the last two cars.
Could be placebo effect, could be just thats it is a bit newer car, Could be that Rangies are just better at not rusting, could be that the whole car is just about to rust out from under me and I just haven't noticed yet. Whatever, I'm happy with the ERPS rust prevention stuff, and I will fit it to my next car, whatever that may be. (You may have noticed, no brand loyalties)
Mates have had various Electronic Rust Protection brands with varying success. Cheapest was $95 through the trading post, it was shite. The dearest was $1200 as a dealer option from Toyota. He wasn't happy with it. Another Mate was running Counteract and was happy until the control unit broke after about a year.
My observations only.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:17 am
by fnukle
thanks for the info Adam thats fantastic.
Ive been thinking about getting it aswell. seems dont go cheap get the 300 dollar one.
theres accually two different types of electronic rust protection shizzle.
the 300 dollars ones do both which i assume is why they work alot better.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:38 am
by bazooked
silly question but arent the bodies on rangies alli?, with a steel chasis?
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:45 am
by DL
Thanks Adam,
So you're using the ERPS brand 4 pad unit? Have the units you've used made any difference to the rate of radiator rot and exhaust system rust?
Spent way too much time and money putting together my idea of the ideal 2 door RR last year. Included an 83 body transplant onto a 74 chassis. Found the old body was far rustier when cut up than it looked from the outside. New setup is pretty much rust free and I'm just looking to keep it that way for as long as possible.
cheers, DL
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:51 am
by DL
Hi Bazooked,
Front wings, door skins, roof, rear sides all ali.
Bonnet, door frames, rear quarters, upper and lower tailgate and whole body shell steel.
cheers, DL
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:06 pm
by schuler
After a bit of research i decided to buy a coupler tech unit, used widely in QLD lifesurfing i cant report if it works yet as i have not installed it.
I was worried about rust starting where my roll cage is welded in, obviously the heat will have burnt off any paint and it would be impossible to paint between the roll cage mount and the floor so i thought $400 was good insurance as it can be moved to other vehicles, compared to what we spend on "cool stuff" this seems like money well spent.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:36 pm
by A*D*A*M
Hi DL,
Yeah I got a ERPS 4 pad set but paid for an additional 4 pads so 8 in total. That is what was recommended by the sales lady for an older 4x4 that goes on the beach a bit. Two in engine bay, one in driver's and passenger's footwells, two inside the cargo bay, and the last two inside the chassis.
I was lucky and there wasn't any rust (that I could find) in the car when I got it. I think it spent most of its time inland. But as I said, nearly 4 years and numerous beach trips later and nothing beyond surface rust. Exhaust and radiator seem fine so far, but as I mentioned, my car being a '93 is newer than some. I do take care to clean it out after trips on the sand though (which always takes the shine off the trip).
A bit of lanotec or the like sprayed around the car helps a bit too. (and stinks less than fish oil)
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:25 am
by KiwiBacon
Has anyone put a multimeter across one of these systems to see what the output is?
I remember from chemistry days that rust produces about 5V, so 5V the other way should halt it.
I'm considering hooking up a 5V DC power supply between my garage and my truck.