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Which year model hilux comes with a 3rz-fe?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:43 am
by Roctoy
Already thinking of next project.

Which year model hilux comes with a 3rz-fe?
and is there like a base model extra cab with a solid front diff, not ifs?


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:26 am
by RAY185
Chris, I can answer the 1st part of your question:

RZN149 2WD 10/91 to 04/05
RZN154 2WD 01/98 to 04/05
RZN169 4WD 11/97 to 11/02
RZN174 4WD 05/98 to 10/02

To my knowledge, neither the RZN169 nor the RZN174 were offered with Solid Front Axle at all but I could be wrong.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:36 am
by Roctoy
it doesn't have to be a solid front, i will be cutting it all out and doing SAS myself with whatever i buy.
I have plenty of hilux bits lying around to do the job.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:56 am
by RAY185
sweet, well theres the years and models. Happy shopping bud.

Hey Chris, would you believe I'm still running those tyres DD and they've still got plenty of tread left? :shock:

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:01 am
by Roctoy
RAY185 wrote:sweet, well theres the years and models. Happy shopping bud.

Hey Chris, would you believe I'm still running those tyres DD and they've still got plenty of tread left? :shock:
hahaha, they are good all round tyres man, i'd believe it!
the ones on my patrol are flogged though, after about 18 months. done heaps of kays though.

just did a bit of looksy on tradingpost and that year model lux seems to be a bit expensive to go cutting up. I'm looking for something around 8 or 9k that i can throw my lockers and gears in and put the 37's on for some wheelin!
probably run 35's for the street. (cause you need them to negotiate the Gold Coast roundabouts and farkwit drivers!)
