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Location of engine fuse box on prado/bumdera

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:44 am
by ToYoda
rying to find the fuse box in engine on a
toyota land cruiser kzj71 prado/Bundera
1kz-te motor

And believe me we have looked for that F##ken fuse box for hours.

Spent a good part of the weekend combing the engine bay with a tourch for it, but it was no where to be seen. Pulled up both left and right front kick panels, no fuse box, just the standard box.

Pulled out the rear interior side panels, just incase, no fuse box.

Pulled out glove box, no fuse box.

So were the hell is it??

There are 4 big box type fuses in the bottom of the fuse box on the drivers side kick panel, which is unusual, is that them??

The syptoms we are trying to diagnose are:

- No power at the plug to the fuel cut-off solenoid
- No power to the glow plug system.
- Engine will turn over, but obviously won't start.

Other interesting things:
- Lights on dash indicate all systems are go (no glow plug light comes up though)
- you can hear the glow plug timer working
- Engine had been getting hard to start a couple of days prior (indicating possibly a couple of dead glow plugs), but now refuses to start at all.
- Have been jump startying his partners car almost every day (poor uni students) for a week or so.
- i incorrectly conneted battery terminals to a spare battery i lent him to try and jump start the truck from and had a breif arc up (both batteries still ok)

So as a result of this, I suspect the most likely scenario is that the engine does have buggered glow plugs, but when he arced the batteryies out by mistake hes done further damage.

The damage to what exactly, is proving difficult to determine as we can't find any of the main engine fuses, which typically reside in a black box in the engine bay on the right hand side.

Any thoughts from the Toyota gods??