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Cleaning/flush fuel tank

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:07 pm
by hdn177
WEll any tricks to give it a good clean out without removing the tank, the 4by was running rough and had yuck fuel in the filter changed it and still bad, so drained a bit outa the tank and a heapa water came out, ive herd of putting a small amount of metho in for a bit and dranning, to help clean the shit out.

any ideas

btw its a 4.2 petrol gq patrol :)


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:39 am
by trains
Yep, put in a liter of metho, it will help dissolve whats left of the water, and enable it to be burnt thru.

I would also blow out your lines first, then when your sure you have alot of water out, put in the metho.
I used to dose my falcon twice yearly with it.

Dont do it with a diesel tho ;)

For other muck, put in a z14 or equiv, prior to your fuel filter, when that blocks its cheaper to replace than the larger filter.

Went thru 5 filters once when a chap had a load of crud in his tank.

The other thing I would go looking for is where is the water getting in??

Saw a comm ute on gas yesterday with a badly corroded filler neck, reason, they pushed it down into the bottom of the recess for the filler necks so that the gass one was easier to get at. Result, the fuel filler was the lowest point in the area, and any water from the carwash etc, just pooled there, and rusted the filler neck, then once the seal was gone, water filled the tank.

That was a tank out job and flush fuel lines etc etc etc.


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:18 am
by hdn177
yeah inspecting the tank as best as we can while on the rig theres nothing that looks outa place, so cleaned the lines etc, put it all back in with new filter/fuel. And fuel pump decied to die as well, so new one on the way from nissan, but is about to pull out the one thats in there to test anyway 1st.

think the water just from over time, build up there was bout 2ltrs or so approx.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:59 pm
by macca81
was thinkin bout cleaning mine out, but its a diesel... any tips there??

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:44 pm
by old tom
Castrol fuel doctor is the go :D