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BJ70 Lift
Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 6:50 pm
by Hybrid
Boring question that has been done to death I know but I promised my mate I'd ask. He wants to do the basic 2 inch bodylift. I couldn't be 100% when I said there would be no dramas cause I cant remember reading anything about this model of cruiser being lifted. So has anyone got any first-hand experience with lifting this line of cruiser. I dont imagine there would be any difference between lifting this and a ute, troopy etc. I explained like with the hiluxs the spring like part of the break line would tighten up and he might need a longer steering shaft is there anything else specific to this vehicle I should tell him about.
Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 10:33 pm
by dansTOYOwagon
I lifted a 60, and can't think of any differences between the two. Usual stuff. Watch all the lines, the steering shaft should be long enough... slip the splines down, or it might have a slip joint doova thingy in it like myne. I did 3". It should cost you about $40 - $60 all up. Tops. And maybe a couple of dollars (like about $2) for scrap metal for brackets to drop the radiator. Have fun

They really are the easiest car in the world to lift.
Cheers. Dan
(oh, I forgot, you will need an oxy to bend your 4WD lever)
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2002 7:40 am
by bj on roids
pretty easy do-able in one afternoon
the 75 is easier than the 60!!

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 1:04 pm
by Hybrid
Thanks fellahs
Didn't think there'd be any more problems than any other 4b but I didn't want him to go on my word and get up me when he screws something up.