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rattly noise

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:02 am
by liftkit8
any ideas anyone?
i have just replaced the big end bearings , adjusted lifters in tb42. i was under the impression the rattling noise that appears at around 2800rpm was the big ends. the noise still exhists , sounds to be up front now , could this be timing chain noise? simple to replace?
premature thanks for any imput.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:54 pm
by Chook350
Timing chains generally rattle when u back off the revs, example in neutral rev to say 3000rpm, may be slight noise but take the revs off and it'll rattle like its gunna come off.

The noise could be, not sayin it is but could be gudgon pins, the pin that holds the piston to the rod, try isolate the area where the noise is, WORKSAFE WONT LIKE THIS, get a long screwdriver, touch it against the block at diffrent spots like the bottom where the crank runs, in the piston stroke area on the timing cover, put your ear on the screwdriver and listen.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:06 pm
by Brunsy
I think the cam is gear driven, but i had some wierd noises turned out to be one slightly bent pushrod. Torque converter can come loose on TBs also but that makes a chuff, chuff type noise. Hope you get it sorted.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:27 pm
by 351ciofgrunt
no the cam is chain driven

hope your problem turns out to be an easy fix! Maybe its time for that V8 conversion :cool: