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Does anybody know the new rules regarding menai???
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:30 am
by Dave Fogwill
Hey guys
I heard that the rules have changed regarding menai now, and you need to be with a certain club to drive it???
Does anybody know what the deal is??
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 7:43 am
by alki
you need to be in a club,go to clean up Menai weekends,and ask for permission to go for a drive few days in advance
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:15 am
by camskizook
alki wrote:you need to be in a club,go to clean up Menai weekends,and ask for permission to go for a drive few days in advance
and you also have to sacrifice a goat to your god
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:24 am
by Wendle
according to that map that rhys posted gate 8 to prsdo hill and back again is open slather. past prado hill you need to register the trip and all the rest that has been said.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:42 am
by bogged
camskizook wrote:alki wrote:you need to be in a club,go to clean up Menai weekends,and ask for permission to go for a drive few days in advance
and you also have to sacrifice a goat to your god
You also need retna scans to enter..
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:44 am
by roly
Wendle wrote:according to that map that rhys posted gate 8 to prsdo hill and back again is open slather. past prado hill you need to register the trip and all the rest that has been said.
you cant enter the land unless you have done a cleanup and registered it as an official club trip
the land past prado hill is out of bounds for everyone.....
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:34 am
by Dave Fogwill
Who do you ask permission from, council???
Does it have to be a set club drive day, or can you just be a member of a club?
Is it any club at all or only certain nominated clubs??
Thanks for the help, just don't want to get busted.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:17 am
by roly
you and your club must have done a cleanup day. ... arent_id=4 is the rules page
How do I get access to Menai?
Remember that Menai is private property. You need the property owner's permission to enter and use the land. For the moment, there are few access restrictions to the Gandangara Land at Menai. Access controls will become tighter as the Gandangara fence their land.
To find out where the owners have permitted us to go, check with Peter Haasmann ( )
Some time in the near future, the Gandangara and 4WD NSW&ACT will be issuing entry permit stickers. These stickers will be issued only to those people who have participated in Menai working parties. Annual renewal of entry permits will be contingent on participation at a number of working bees during the previous year. Three has been proposed, but number is yet to be agreed.
What must trip leaders do for Menai Trips?
Prior to each visit trip leaders are required to log their trip (minimum 5 days prior to visit) by email to indicating estimated number of vehicles attending and the planned route (if known).
Trip leaders are required to check that attending members have been participants in at least one working party (check website for details of future working parties). The Landowners have permitted limited access only for participants in the regular working parties.
Trip leaders will be issued a map of the available driving trails. The map will include off-limits areas and also have co-ordinates in grid form. Due to the changing nature of the work on the property, maps will only be valid for the date of issue, use of old maps is not permitted as area status may have changed.
During the visit, members are required to minimise wheelspin and rock damage by limiting their attempts at harder sections to no more than three attempts, although common sense should prevail, abuse of these simple measures are major contributors to the degradation in the area.
The Association Code of Ethics and Club Etiquette must be complied with.
During the visit, members are requested take discrete note of any other vehicles or incidents in the area for reporting. Trespassing or environmental vandalism is an offence and prosecution is possible.
Trip leaders are also required to return a trip report to the Menai Management & Steering Committee within four days of their visit, including attendees names and rego numbers; routes taken and a general description of the visit including any incidents.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:53 am
by Wooders
BTW doing a cleanup itself can be a lot of fun too

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:22 pm
by bogged
Wooders wrote:BTW doing a cleanup itself can be a lot of fun too

I was thinkin that, theres a car body or 2 around prado hill, I'll just go look over there

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:23 pm
The new rule is

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:25 pm
by bogged
AnthonyP wrote:The new rule is

and phuck it for all...

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:26 pm
bogged wrote:AnthonyP wrote:The new rule is

and phuck it for all...


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:36 pm
by camskizook
AnthonyP wrote:bogged wrote:AnthonyP wrote:The new rule is

and phuck it for all...


I dont think you will phuck it for will just get a hefty fine! Lets be realisic tho, how much more phucked can it get?? Access is now only restricted to about 1% of the 4wd community - Thats pretty phucked up if you ask me...
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:43 pm
I am gonna have to repeat myself............
I said DONT GET CAUGHT....................
If you dont get caught you cant get a fine either
And yeah I here Menai is pretty stuffed its been about six years since I have been there................last time i went was on a TLCC workin bee

so i guess i should be aloud there myself

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:59 pm
by Wooders
camskizook wrote:I dont think you will phuck it for will just get a hefty fine! Lets be realisic tho, how much more phucked can it get?? Access is now only restricted to about 1% of the 4wd community - Thats pretty phucked up if you ask me...
1% is still better than 0% which is what is will be if as a community we don't respect the place & the conditions of entry

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:01 pm
by Wooders
AnthonyP wrote:And yeah I here Menai is pretty stuffed its been about six years since I have been there................last time i went was on a TLCC workin bee

so i guess i should be aloud there myself

Yeah it's stuffed mate -If I were you I wouldn't bother going there.....Maybe westfield is more your scene

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:38 pm
by ozy1
TLCC aint allowed access to menai as they are not in the Association from what ive been told
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:09 pm
by XXXL80
ive have a huge grip on this subject!!
the apparent "SACRED LAND" adjacent to old illawarra road which spans into prado and also the heathcote road side next to the shotgun range has just been developed and is now being advertised as "Gandangara Site" home and land packages for sale!! this sign has just been errected next to the new bangor bypass which also happens to go through this so called sacred land.
so in my eyes once again they have done the big old shaftarooney on the general public and will be laughing all the way to the bank!!!
so as ive said in my posts on this topic in the previous months i will still be wheeling this area as much as possible until they close it all of for good and redevelop the while area for the new "SACRED HOME AND LAND PACKAGES"
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:24 pm
by camskizook
thats absolutely deplorable if that is the case!
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:15 pm
by bogged
Which part of Menai is it?? is it the land that was Sacred Site Granted, or other?
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:01 am
by Wooders
AFAIK the development is on the New Illawarra road side.
Whislt I can understand howyou feel "cheated" etc....however at the end of the day the land IS privately owned NOT public lands. Now if they choose to have some of it developed - well theres bugger all we can do about it.
The owners appear thus far to be relatively willing to work with the association rather than just seeing every single 4x4 as a tresspasser - which is great news - but if we have the attitude that they should do this or that or blatently ignore their "conditions" we'll just wave goodbye to it sooner....It still might happen sooner or later but lets not make it sooner by being a pack of arseholes.
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:03 am
Wooders wrote:AnthonyP wrote:And yeah I here Menai is pretty stuffed its been about six years since I have been there................last time i went was on a TLCC workin bee

so i guess i should be aloud there myself

Yeah it's stuffed mate -If I were you I wouldn't bother going there.....Maybe westfield is more your scene

Sorry the only car park you find me at is Maccas

And make sure you keep your jeep outta the sun, dont want all the plastic to fade and crumble.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:31 am
by Wooders
Mate my Jeeps are more likely to rust than melt.....Missus Jeep is another story

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:47 am
by bogged
Wooders wrote:AFAIK the development is on the New Illawarra road side.
Whislt I can understand howyou feel "cheated" etc....however at the end of the day the land IS privately owned NOT public lands. Now if they choose to have some of it developed - well theres bugger all we can do about it..
I thought there were laws stating that "SACRED" land couldnt be developed..??
Can anyone tell me if this WAS part of the sacred land thing or not? New Illawarra road thats between the firestations and heathcote road aint it??
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:53 am
by camskizook
OK....what part of this is fact or fiction?
Government gives land back to aboriginals because it is sacred
4wders use otherwise usless land for recreation
Aboriginal group limit access and allow only those ppl who clean it up to have access
Aboriginal groups then sell it and develop it after getting a good deal for getting it cleaned zero dollars
if i have missed the point here, please let me know because i dont want to be riled up for no reason
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:56 am
by Wendle
it's quite expensive to clear land of rubbish for development, especially nowadays with all the OH&S rules about hazardous waste (syringes, etc)..
heaps cheaper to scam a bunch of non-profit 4wd clubs to do it for nothing!
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:28 am
by Roctoy
i feel cheated too!
u can clean up all the car bodies and dumped rubbish from the public, but it SHITS ME TO TEARS to see that our friendly land owners (of whom i've never actually seen out in the bush at Menai), seem to have moved out of the demountable buildings just south of gate 8. Look at the mess they have left, who do they expect to clean up that shit? It looks like another Everleigh Street.
I have alot of respect for the great work that people like Peter Hassman are doing but i fear that they will try to sell the lot for development anyway. We have just as much right to that land as they do!
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:49 am
by bogged
camskizook wrote:OK....what part of this is fact or fiction?
Government gives land back to aboriginals because it is sacred
4wders use otherwise usless land for recreation
Aboriginal group limit access and allow only those ppl who clean it up to have access
Aboriginal groups then sell it and develop it after getting a good deal for getting it cleaned zero dollars
if i have missed the point here, please let me know because i dont want to be riled up for no reason
Thats pretty much what I though was happening... Cheap labour, give 4wders access for few weeks, free cleared land. .

Re: menai
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:52 am
by bogged
roc70y wrote:... but i fear that they will try to sell the lot for development anyway.