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Anyone know much about the 70series Prado Jap import?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:34 pm
by smac

just wondering if anyone has had much to do with the Jap Import 70series Prado (looks like either a stretched 4door Bundy or a 4door Troopie!)

From what ive read, they are on the Troopie Chassis, but have the Surf Turbo Diesel motor and gbox, with the Bundy Suspension/axles but with more creature comforts than you can poke a stick at inside.

just wondering if anyone know much about them

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:53 pm
by goannaoffroad
What you say is pretty much right ,there on there own chassis ,option choices were unreal factory diff' locks fr/r, consol icebox ,rear air
factory winch and so on. A bloke I know has 2 imported from Indonesia
1 auto ,1 manual ,very popular there apparently.