Confused about diff ratios and power...?
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:32 pm
If I supercharge my 1990 Maverick SWB auto with 3.9 diff ratios and run 35" tires will I still need to change the diff ratios, is it a matter of power to run 35's or is it about the crawling ratio. The reason I ask is I'm a little confused, the truck is going to be a weekend toy only not a tourer so if I want to run 35's on 3.9 diff ratios will a supercharger save me from changing the diff ratios? Or even if I buy transfercase gears can I get away with not replacing the diff ratios?
With the diff ratios, which is the cheaper way to go:
1. Buy ring and pinion from say BBM $650 each end and pay to get them installed (4.3 or 4.6 ratio) into the standard GQ diffs.
2. Buy second hand 3L GQ or GU diffs complete and swap them over, will all my new suspension parts fit the GU diffs + do you need new driveshafts?
Thanks for you help......
With the diff ratios, which is the cheaper way to go:
1. Buy ring and pinion from say BBM $650 each end and pay to get them installed (4.3 or 4.6 ratio) into the standard GQ diffs.
2. Buy second hand 3L GQ or GU diffs complete and swap them over, will all my new suspension parts fit the GU diffs + do you need new driveshafts?
Thanks for you help......