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Tyre sizes...

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:21 pm
by jamespbeasley

How much lift do you need to run 31's? I currently have a 2 inch shackle lift and was thinking id just putting 30's on - but then i'm also considering a)whether i could comfortably fit 31's; or b) what else i might need to do to get 31's on with no or limited rubbing... eg 2 inch body or spring lift (or maybe both).

Any thoughts?

Also - just put the vs commodore shocks on front and hilux/hiace on rear (as in yesterday) and wanna know how much higher i can go without changing shocks.



Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:35 pm
by grimbo
have you even looked in the bible?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:46 pm
by lay80n

Its not hard :roll:


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:23 pm
by Tiny
if that image was lost you wouldt know what to do :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:24 pm
by jamespbeasley
Yeah i looked in the bible before i posted.

Ihad a lot of info re: tyres size and diffs... tyre size and power... tyre size and wheels... why go bigger... how to get bigger tyres on the spare wheel thingo... one guy spoke about running 30s on a stock sierra for 5 years with no probs... and it was that post that got me thinking maybe i could fit 31's...

But i couldnt see any that spoke directly about how much lift u might need for various tyre sizes.... hence why i posted.

Also in the posts re: the shocks im using it spoke a lot about which ones to use on a 2-3 inch lift... but couldnt find any that said something like "3 inch good... but would need different shocks if going higher."

If anyone has seen posts that answer these q's then lemme know - cause i couldn't find them.



Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:56 pm
by mad_zook
for 31s it is best you have a body lift 30s will just fit without cutting etc

Re: Tyre sizes...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:59 am
by karmic
jamespbeasley wrote:How much lift do you need to run 31's?
I have a wide track and I'm running 31's with a 2" spring lift and some light hammer work to flatten the seam running under the guards. This is fine for daily-driver duty as long as you check your front bumper isnt rubbing anywhere.

If you actually want flex so you can go offroad (99% of us hopefully!) then you will need to look at a body/virtual lift as well as extended shackles. I have some 2" extended shackles that I will be putting on this weekend.

As part of the above to ensure the car is safe you will also need to consider extended bumpstops, extended brake lines, extended steering yoke and adjusting the steering limit bolts so you dont rub on your springs.


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:28 pm
by chuckwilltalk
im runnin 31's with a 3" spring lift and they fit fine, occasionally rub on tight angles but nothin to serios, all you gotta do, as your probably aware is modify the bumper otherwise the tyres wont fit past that 'pole' that the bumpers attached to.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:10 pm
by Gwagensteve
31's will foul badly if the car still has full compression travel. 3" springs, however, as very hard to fully compress so that is why you moght be getting away with it.

2" bumpstop spacer or 2" BL are required.

Watch rim backspacing too - this will have a big effect on whether they will tuck into the guard or not.


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:21 pm
by chuckwilltalk
yeah next week im putting on 2" extended shackels and once i get around to it 2" body lift so hopefully shouldnt have to many fouling problems then


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:18 pm
by Turbo Tonka
hey mate, i have 50mm shackles and a new set of 2" springs on my zook and when i went to put 31's on the other night they wouldnt even turn quarter lock without hitting on flat ground.Im going to bodylift 2" to get the room and while im at it maybe move my front diff forward an inch to help.My mate used to have 50mm springs and shackles and at full flex on 8 inch F100 rims would lightly rub.Hope this helps.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:56 pm
by Gwagensteve
chuckwilltalk wrote:yeah next week im putting on 2" extended shackels and once i get around to it 2" body lift so hopefully shouldnt have to many fouling problems then
That will be a pretty tall sierra you will have there - 3" springs + 1" of shackle + 2" BL +2.5 via tyres = 8.5" over stock

Thats more overall lift than cars I have built running 35's! (2" spring with leaves pulled to run almost flat - lets say 1" lift) 1" shackle 2" BL, 4" tyre - 8" total lift with 35's (and lots of cutting)

If you go to a BL and 2" shackles I would pull lots of leaves out of those #" springs to flatten them out- you will end up with lots of travel and a nice ride and almost the same height you have now.
