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Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 12:40 pm
by chimpboy
Do we love them or hate them?

Do you have one you couldn't live without, or would you never put one on your car even if they paid you to?

Wondering what everyone thinks... pros and cons.


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:06 pm
by V8Patrol
Never seen an aftermarket job that doesnt leak water.....

Glass units dont come with a blind so ya get extra heat in the cab...

Who the hell could ever see it on the roof of a 4x4???...

Good for....
Sucking cigarette smoke from the vehicle...
Geting a female to "flash" her "top half" at other road users whilst standing up through the hole..... huge fine for that one but :shock: it was worth it !!!......

Not good for....
rollovers,... limbs tend to wander out the hole !!!......
carwashs.....never forget to shut it in an automatic carwash !!!!!
offroad..... every tiny piece of bush/mud/water/dust/etc comes in if its open

so why bother :shock:

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 2:59 pm
by Gazzaj
I`ve got a sun roof it dosnt leak and is cooler cause it sucks in air and when you park it I leave it slightly open and the car is cool and I can take the glass out when I go shooting and spoting.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:49 pm
by Rovernaut
Gazzaj wrote:I`ve got a sun roof it dosnt leak and is cooler cause it sucks in air and when you park it I leave it slightly open and the car is cool and I can take the glass out when I go shooting and spoting.

And it's a place to drop all the spent shells for reloading later. The driver should wear a hat though as they can be hot. LOL :lol:

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:35 pm
by murcod
Factory fitted ones are the only way to go. There's no way I'd be letting anyone cut a whole in the roof in any of my vehicles! :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:55 am
by V8Patrol
Rovernaut wrote:
Gazzaj wrote:I`ve got a sun roof it dosnt leak and is cooler cause it sucks in air and when you park it I leave it slightly open and the car is cool and I can take the glass out when I go shooting and spoting.

And it's a place to drop all the spent shells for reloading later. The driver should wear a hat though as they can be hot. LOL :lol:

dont have that problem..... simply take the back off of the MQ !! :finger: and the roof protects the ppl in the front from the muzzle blast, most important when using a 300 Win Mag or 270 Ackerly ... look teefs :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:07 pm
by AVGAS_502
V8Patrol wrote:
Rovernaut wrote:
Gazzaj wrote:I`ve got a sun roof it dosnt leak and is cooler cause it sucks in air and when you park it I leave it slightly open and the car is cool and I can take the glass out when I go shooting and spoting.

And it's a place to drop all the spent shells for reloading later. The driver should wear a hat though as they can be hot. LOL :lol:

dont have that problem..... simply take the back off of the MQ !! :finger: and the roof protects the ppl in the front from the muzzle blast, most important when using a 300 Win Mag or 270 Ackerly ... look teefs :shock:

You think the roof protects them from the muzzle blast? Have you noticed they are a might jumpy for the next few days at any sudden noise? If you want to prove it, hand them your 300 with bolt on empty chamber but tell them it has a live round... watch them tense up and 'click'.... LIKE HELL I FLINCH!... Just be prepared for a temper tantrum... but before you laugh too much, have it done to yourself and see if you are a non flincher!

Last time out I had dropped a deer with my 45/70 and another sprang from the side... So i lever another round quickly and 'CLICK' ....empty chamber... met by guffaws of laughter from my mate at my 2 inch flinch...

Well either that first deer was terribly unlucky or my flinch as I explained for the rest of the evening was the calculated lead on a moving target...

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:54 pm
by Rovernaut
dont have that problem..... simply take the back off of the MQ !! :finger: and the roof protects the ppl in the front from the muzzle blast, most important when using a 300 Win Mag or 270 Ackerly ... look teefs :shock:

Last time out I had dropped a deer with my 45/70 and another sprang from the side... So i lever another round quickly and 'CLICK' ....empty chamber... met by guffaws of laughter from my mate at my 2 inch flinch...
Well either that first deer was terribly unlucky or my flinch as I explained for the rest of the evening was the calculated lead on a moving target...

I myself was a Sako 7mm Remington Mag fancier.
never saw a deer when I used to hunt.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:14 pm
by pegasus
I have a tinted glass sunroof at home. I have been trying to decide whether to have it installed or not. Its a pop up one, and can be taken from its frame by undoing 2 clips.

The only real worry I have is leaks.

Is there a way around it, or is it just a case of it eventually leaking anyway?


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:07 pm
by AVGAS_502
pegasus wrote:I have a tinted glass sunroof at home. I have been trying to decide whether to have it installed or not. Its a pop up one, and can be taken from its frame by undoing 2 clips.

The only real worry I have is leaks.

Is there a way around it, or is it just a case of it eventually leaking anyway?


It will leak... murphys law, or rust around edge... leak first probably...

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:27 pm
by Leprecaun
I have a sunroof, in my nissan, and I have not any dramas with it other than the occasional sunburn on the top of the skull, rarely have it opened though when seriously offroad, the dust and low hanging objects are reasons enough. Doesn't leak, just have to replace the seals every now and again, done it once in 3 years. Bit of vaseline on it works wonders as well.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:33 pm
by Wooders
I like my sunroof ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:03 pm
by Bitsamissin
I've got a electric factory one in the Jabber.
They have an inner panel you can slide across to block out the light/sun.
Doesn't leak, seems to work ok, not sure if I could not do without one though.
At least if I get wedged and can't open any doors I can get out, if the electrics fail there is a winder attachment to open it manually also.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 9:06 pm
by dogart
Our '94 Jack Monterey has got one, factory job oversized s/roof
with the same sliding panel.
Bloody Fantastic!!! :twisted:


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:15 am
by Beastmavster
Sunroof.... bahahahahahah

If you want a sunroof it's a sure sign you really wnated a softtop.

Sunroofs are great for lobster skin on the bald patch :D