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1HD-FT conversionl almost finished -need advice

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:11 pm
by smithie
I've finally got my 1HD-FT and H151F installed into my PZJ70 SWB, including modifying tailshafts/gearbox crossmember/custom 3" exhaust and a heap of other small things.

I started the engine tonight for the first time and it runs pretty smooth (for a direct injection diesel) but I do have one small problem:
It idles ok, but when I try to rev it, the revs only build up a little bit and then if you back off the throttle it will stall out.
It seems like a fuel starvation issue to me.
I havnt yet installed a walbro pusher pump as I thought that it would at least run without one. Could this be the issue?

The car is parked slightly nose uphill and the fuel lines are all original PZJ70 (small diam) lines.
I also havnt checked the condition of the fuel filter but its probably overdue for a change as its been in for about 10K kms.

Is there anything else it might be?
I dont know what state of tune the injector pump is in as I have been working in that area... could it need adjusting anywhere?


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:40 am
by goannaoffroad
G'day Dan,
A few years ago I fitted a 1HZ to a BJ73 and it would idle but not rev.
I changed the fuel lines and pick-up to the larger diameter and it solved the problem.
If you get the fuel pick-up out of a HZJ75 tank it will bolt into your tank fit shortend fuel lines off aHZJ75 and your problem should be solved.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:52 am
by dow50r
Or walbro...but the hzj75 fix sounds better just incase the electric pump doesnt like running Tobie, he has these parts im sure/...

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:23 am
by smithie
FYI and in case others have the same issue:

I bought and fitted a Walbro 6065W electric pusher pump. It pumps as required so that there is a constant fuel pressure of 10psi in fromt of it. I wired it up to the Ign. terminal of the power outlet (LH Front side of engine bay) so it is always on when the car is running but I can have the key at Acc. without running/hearing the pump.

It s a little loud at the moment (mainly on idle) but I have direct mounted it to the underbody as it earths through the pump casing. In the future I'll probably rubber mount it and run a seperate earth wire.

I may enlarge the fuel lines at some stage, but the walbro was a quicker fix and even if I do enlarge the fuel lines, I'll still run the walbro.

PS: I'll do a members build up thread and post my pics soon.. just gotta find the time.

Cheers, and thanks all for the advice.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:11 am
by dow50r
Well done
Seat of the much difference in power???
Did u mount underneath near tank or in engine bay??
Does pressure return after filter with pump teed off, or does it run through pump? You may want to fiddle with both, as too much incoming pressure is as bad as not enough, you should be looking to get 2psi at fuel pump inlet, as this is what pressure they set them up with on a bench....

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:05 am
by smithie
Thanks Andrew, I'm pretty stoked that its up and runnning!

I'll find out about seat of the pants power tonight.. because the car has been sitting for a few months the battery is knackered (wasnt much good before hand) so I havnt taken it out on the road yet in case it stalls. I'm picking up a new battery tonight and also need to bump the idle up a bit (currently 500rpm).
Then I'll take her for a real spin!!

I mounted the fuel pump underneath near the tank. I havnt teed off after the filter or anything yet. I'm contemplating what else to do to the fuel system and those options include:
-upgrading the fuel lines to the larger diameter (will probably do this so that a fuel pump failure cant leave me stranded)
-adding a surge tank in the engine bay
-tee'ing off just after the filter so that injector pump doesnt see excessive pressure
-fitting fuel pressure regulator after fuel filter so that I can adjust what pressure the injector pump receives (thinking of doing do this option as it allows for tuning/adjusting)


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:08 am
by quick60
I once fitted a 1HDT into my old 60 series. I found that the engine starved of fuel in mid revs under really hard acceleration, mainly up short steep hills,, and that was mostly fixed by fitting 12mm fuel lines, and using the original 6mm line as the return. I later put a Walbro on which gave it a bit more, but I think it advances the timing at lower rpm and soots up the oil earlier, but does give you really good light throttle response and economy. The issue I had was the pick was down quite low in the aux. tank, and the after market filter was high in the engine bay, so the transfer pump was working too hard to overcome the gravity, and after 5 years was showing signs of wear, hence the need for the electric pump.