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Registering an unreg'd vehicle (QLD)
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:56 pm
by Dee
Question about it.
If a vehicle has no registration, (still has plates tho) does it require a trip to the dept of transport for inspection?
Or is it just a matter of getting a RWC, and taking it along with the previous registration papers and the transfer papers to queensland transport.
(If it still has number plates does it mean it hasn’t been deregistered, just its rego has run out?)
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:21 pm
by BundyMonkey
If you are the registered owner then it would be a case of a Saftey Cert and pay some rego but if you are not then you would have to go down to the dredded Qld Trans
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:36 pm
by Dee
BundyMonkey wrote:If you are the registered owner then it would be a case of a Saftey Cert and pay some rego but if you are not then you would have to go down to the dredded Qld Trans
When I sold my first car, the buyer bought it with one number plate, went away with the car to brisbane and got the RWC, and came back a week later with the RWC and we filled out the paperwork and got the rego transferred.
However I
THINK there was some rego left on it. This is different if there is no rego left? (ie the buyer couldnt organise the RWC, seller gets it rego'd again, and transfers rego over?)
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:53 pm
by Tiny
DEEV8 wrote:BundyMonkey wrote:If you are the registered owner then it would be a case of a Saftey Cert and pay some rego but if you are not then you would have to go down to the dredded Qld Trans
When I sold my first car, the buyer bought it with one number plate, went away with the car to brisbane and got the RWC, and came back a week later with the RWC and we filled out the paperwork and got the rego transferred.
However I
THINK there was some rego left on it. This is different if there is no rego left? (ie the buyer couldnt organise the RWC, seller gets it rego'd again, and transfers rego over?)
in nsw we have pink slips which are the same as your RWC. the pink slip applys is the vehicle is due for rego or has being un regoed for a period three months or less (but they charge rego from the day it should have being renewed so you can lose 3 months

if the vehicle has being un regoed for MORE than three months you need to get a blue slip, the inspection is more expensive and more comprehensive, if you dont have prior rego papers you need to get a weigh bridge cert and so on, you also need to prove ownership, an invoice from the previous owner with both your addresses on it and a puchase price
basically you then take all the required stuff into the RTA and they charge you rego, road tax, stamp duty and number plate fee coz you need new plates EVEN if they car has perfect plates on it
I presume it would be similar in QLD
Re: Registering an unreg'd vehicle (QLD)
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:20 pm
by 80lsy gq
DEEV8 wrote:Question about it.
If a vehicle has no registration, (still has plates tho) does it require a trip to the dept of transport for inspection?
Or is it just a matter of getting a RWC, and taking it along with the previous registration papers and the transfer papers to queensland transport.
(If it still has number plates does it mean it hasn’t been deregistered, just its rego has run out?)
you need to get a RWC and then take the RWC and the car to QLD Transport.they will come out and check the numbers match up and if it is all okay then you pay the rego and it is done...
you cant just transfer the rego as there is none to transfer..and even if you wanna transfer rego then you still have to get a RWC and take it to the QLD Transport..the only difference is when transferring it is cheaper to transfer than to pay rego..
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:36 pm
by Willy Hilux
Take in the paper work on a friday lunch time when it is buisy and if they ask if you brought in the car, say you didn't know.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:56 pm
by evo wagon
all you have to do is get a rwc and just take that in with the vechile rego form and just pay your rego. they will only come out and check the car if the numbers are wrong ie engine and vin number. if the car retains the original engine and chassis everything will be ok. so no need to take car down.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:07 pm
by mk swb
Hey you also need to pay your third party insurance to drive the car to get RWC and to QLD Transport.
Cheers Rees
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:25 pm
they will only need to look at car if something does match on paperwork and there records did this just recently so it still should be the same

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:59 am
by Dee
the car has had an engine conversion but its been mod plated.
Re: Registering an unreg'd vehicle (QLD)
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:03 am
by Dee
80lsy gq wrote:DEEV8 wrote:Question about it.
If a vehicle has no registration, (still has plates tho) does it require a trip to the dept of transport for inspection?
Or is it just a matter of getting a RWC, and taking it along with the previous registration papers and the transfer papers to queensland transport.
(If it still has number plates does it mean it hasn’t been deregistered, just its rego has run out?)
you need to get a RWC and then take the RWC and the car to QLD Transport.they will come out and check the numbers match up and if it is all okay then you pay the rego and it is done...
you cant just transfer the rego as there is none to transfer..and even if you wanna transfer rego then you still have to get a RWC and take it to the QLD Transport..the only difference is when transferring it is cheaper to transfer than to pay rego..
But they dont do an inspection on the car or anything? Ie if the rwc was a bit dodge are they likely to pick it up? (with in reason) or are they just there to check the numbers?
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:31 am
by shorty_f0rty
the chick i had just checked the mod plates..
the story goes:
bought a 40 unregistered in vic,
drove it home to qld
got it mod plated for roll bar and change of seat numbers
got rwc
went to main roads @ spring hill,
filled out paper work
chick behind the desk needed to sight mod plate and confirm numbers on were the same as what was on the paper work.. she didnt check VIN or anything else.
so you will need to take it in.. no going over the pits was done for me.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:26 pm
by zagan
Should be just RWC then pay the rego.
I've done that with 2-3 cars no rego but plates.
Even with dodgy RWC, I've never had to get anything checked on the cars.
So I don't know what the deal is there.
seeing as your've got a mod plate they might take a look but all the times I've been at QLD trans it's always been packed out the door so they don't have time to be running out and checking stuff.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:09 pm
by mickyd555
if it has been registered with the new engine and mod plate was noted down on the last rego than they will not want to look at it. If they need to check any numbers on the vehicle (ie: if they do not match what was previsouly in there system) then they need the car, if not they will never know.
I have proven this will even work when cancelling Victorian rego and applying for QLD rego. The REVS database covers all states and territories except TAS and WA, i assume this means that rego from any of the states and territories other than TAS and WA will do the same thing.
just make sure the paperwork is filled out correctly and they wont need to check anything.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:44 pm
by keencdk
I de-registered a car for 2 years when overseas. When I got home I got CTP, a RWC then had to drive to Dept of Transport. They only check the Engine number and chassis number match the RWC and rego paperwork, no inspection. It is normally an office bod anyways who are lucky to be able to find the engine number let alone actually tell if there is something wrong with the car.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:49 pm
9 times out of 10 they will want to check the numbers, but that is it - unless it is glaringly obvious that the vehicle should have failed a roadworthy.