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Snorkel for Pathfinder
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:37 pm
by Nor
Hey guys!
A friend of mine owns a 98 model Nissan Pathfinder, and wants to put a snorkel on it, since he's off-roading with us, and after a few puddles, he feels he needs a snorkel!
Any one knows where we can find one, or any plans on how to make a home made (custom made) snorkel?
Thanks a million mates!
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:49 pm
by DiscoDino
Long time no was Dubai...did you get us the things we needed?
Tell your friend that he's better off changing his "Pissfinder" for another rig like a sweet GQ/GU, or even a damned LR (

)...IF he is to put a snorkel on the "Pisser"...make sure he knows that he'd need MUCH more than that for either the cool factor or the fording factor
(bass 3am itmanyak 3alayk ya ayr!)
El Samara

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 5:06 pm
by Leprecaun
I have a Terrano, very similar to the pathfinder body Early model though. If the aircleaner is still on the left hand side(Passenger side), you have to punch a hole through the body, and attach either some pipe rubber or otherwise to the cleaner, out through the hole and into what ever you like. Some guys like the stainless steel look others go the for the plastic and painted one, your choice, others on here have done it so just do a search. Personally I have gone for alluminium as it polishes up a treat.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 5:23 pm
by bogged
Exhaust place and have pipe bent up to suit.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:56 pm
by Leprecaun
Yep, that works, though you have to pay for them to do it, unless you know someone who does it. Still everyone has a different choice/opinion on the matter

Dear Disco Dino
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:20 pm
by Nor
First of all PISS ON YOU!
Second, whatever my friend is driving, we'll try to make the best of it and help him in keeping up with the rest!
As for Dubai, well all the dealers there were liars, since all of the things I wanted and was promised to find there were suddenly "OUT OF STOCK" and I was told I had to wait 2-4 weeks.
No Brush on at R****O, only spray on, and that needs a special drier and sub-coating material ----> 270-280 per truck!
As for the rest, here are a few pics for you to enjoy!!!
(P.S. these were taken the trip before I d.r.o.w.n.e.d.)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:26 pm
by roly
the local pathy owners here are all at a loss as to the lack of a snorkle
i think most have given up hope and are making bent pipe jobs as previously suggested
Useful Links 4 all Pathfinder owners
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:36 pm
by Nor
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:33 am
by JBE
a good web page for pathfinder issues and questions is the discussion board at