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Am i running rich?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:30 pm
Evening all,
Ive just put a 7mge 3liter straight 6 out of a Toyota supra into my hilux dual cab. Over Easter i took it up to wood-gate beach, Harvey bay and rainbow beach towing our new camp trailer (weighs about 700kg when loaded) through out the trip the truck averaged around 17liters of fuel per 100km (not bad i thought for towing all that weight around) and drove like a dream on 110 the whole way. I've just noticed while cleaning the truck, the exhaust has a lot of dark black soot built up on the inside! I'm only a novice backyard mechanic but doesn't this mean the motor is running rich? Oil and coolant levels are perfect so that's all i can put it down to! Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:34 pm
by HotFourOk
I think all exhausts get a black soot on the inside, there will always be a bit of unburnt fuel or contaminants.

You could gte it checked by a mech if you are worried. They can do an exhaust gas analysis which seems to work very good with tuning.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:45 pm
Yeah i know all exhausts get soot on the inside but i only have 1600kms on the new motor and exhaust and its pretty black!!! When i did the road worthy the mechanic i use did an exhaust gas analysis test and all the readings were almost spot on!! I'm using a landcruiser v8 fuel pump with the standard 7mge injectors, I'm wondering if the v8 pump is higher pressure then the 7m"s standard fuel pump, therefor injecting more fuel over the injectors cycle!!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:38 pm
by 460cixy
the presure reg would make sure that does not happen unless its faulty

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:28 pm
by PGS 4WD
Most factory systems run rich under load, if the engine was towing, depending on the weight of the vehicle etc there could be some fuel enrichment going on. Has that got the air flow meter similar to the early 80 4.5 and coronas and stuff? If so often some improvement in mixture can be got on the dyno or on road with a high speed a/f meter by removing the plastic lid on the meter and adjusting the clock spring and wiper, Ive seen these as rich as Lambda .80 stock, if you can get it back to .85 you'd get some more power too, you need to make sure the part throttle transient mixtures stay safe also(not to lean).
Does this engine have an O2 sensor?? They are often knocked around on imports and are worth replacing once theyre 150k old anyway.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:14 pm
by badger
my mate has a mz21 soarer with a 7m in it and it chews more than that standard.
and yeah they are a very fuely motor stock.
with figures like that towing on sand id be thinking its running fine