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3rd Party or Comp?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:19 pm
by Mulisha
I have a gq patrol LPG turbo and just fitted a 3" lift with 33's and live in QLD..
I have full comp with Justcars insurance as they cover all the mods but when u think about it they will cover a bloody 3000hp skyline but if it's not legal they won't pay up..
What are ur thoughts?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:37 pm
by dirtyGQ
yes you have to be so careful yes they will take your money but if it's not legal and they can prove it then they will not pay in the case off an accident.Some many people lie to their insurer but when you have a crash and need the insurance then they do the full investigation into your driving history and vehicle mods.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:47 pm
by Mulisha
dirtyGQ wrote:yes you have to be so careful yes they will take your money but if it's not legal and they can prove it then they will not pay in the case off an accident.Some many people lie to their insurer but when you have a crash and need the insurance then they do the full investigation into your driving history and vehicle mods.
Yeah that's what i'm thinking..
How do i go about 3rd party though if my car has mods that may not be within regualtion?
Cheers thanks for ya help
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:59 pm
by -Scott-
An insurance company can only deny a claim if the un-notified modifications were a significant contribution to the accident.
In other words, they can only deny the claim if they can prove, in a court, that the accident could have been avoided if the defect were not present. In a civil case, they only need to prove "balance of probability", not "beyond reasonable doubt."
Before things get this far, you have a "Duty of Disclosure" under all insurance policies to notify your company of any and all facts which may affect the risk they have insured.
So - step one, TELL THEM ABOUT IT! If they don't know, they can knock you back under "Duty of disclosure", and you're gone.
If they don't reject your policy outright, they can only refuse a claim if they can prove that your accident could have been avoided if the modification were not present. If you've got the resources to tackle them in court.
Good luck.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:00 pm
by +dj_hansen+
Mulisha wrote:dirtyGQ wrote:yes you have to be so careful yes they will take your money but if it's not legal and they can prove it then they will not pay in the case off an accident.Some many people lie to their insurer but when you have a crash and need the insurance then they do the full investigation into your driving history and vehicle mods.
Yeah that's what i'm thinking..
How do i go about 3rd party though if my car has mods that may not be within regualtion?
Cheers thanks for ya help
This has been covered several times.... basically in the event of an accident an insurance company will investigate whether any of the modifications have contributed to you having an accident... for instance fitting 35" tyres to your vehicle, and you run into someone from behind, larger tyre size, reduced breaking efficiency, unroadworthy (unless engineered) and hence no payout or cover for you, even if you pay $1million dollars a year for the insurance.
However, if your unroadworthy rear brake lights were found and you t-boned somebody then you may be ok...
If you have modified your car into something outside regulations (there are reasons for regulations, not just to piss everybody off) then you need to get it engineered, and then look at getting insurance..
-Scott- has recently has his SWB Pajero engineered and registered successfully in SA with 33's, body lift/spring lift and the like... he might be someone who can provide more detailed answers.
At the end of the day, in any modification the actual parts are only 1/2 the price if you want something to look good/work well AND be legal.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:15 pm
by Mulisha
Thanks alot for that guys...
I really don't think this full comp is going to work now as i have reduced my breaking abilty and now i have almost doubled my power so i think 3rd party is my only option i can't get insurance with anyone else becuase they won't cover me as i'm only just turned 19.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:51 pm
by flynn
hmm so do i tell my insurance company that my hilux is half nissan now??? that will make it cost me more money....poo
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:02 am
by Rb25sil80
Im failing to see why you dont want full comp but are happy with 3rd party. If they knock back your claim for comp wouldnt they knock it back on 3rd party?
I can see where you are coming from, no insurance company would touch my old 180sx, engine conversion, brakes, coilovers yada yada. I could have had comp for $2500-3000 or 3rd party for $110. Now I knew if I had an accident and my car was inspected they wouldnt pay, silly but yeh, i'd rather be paying $100 a year and get done over then $3k. Is that the theory your working off?
If you are insured for 3rd party property damage and have a prang, will the insurance company want to look at your vehicle prior to aproving the claim? Anybody have an answer to this? I always assumed they wouldnt, hence I would have had my car towed to a private garage should I ever bang it up.
Suncorp metway insured my 180sx with a few of the mods, they were good. Insurance on the hilux is with CUA, they said I can do whatever I like provided its legal and will cover value of accessorys upto $8500.
Good luck!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:48 am
by guzzla
why not go to the extra effort like most of us do and ensure your vehicle complies / engineered.
it will give you piece of mind that in the event of an accident you will be sure that your insurance company will pay out and if you get pulled over by the cops and they go over your truck they will make you comply or restore back to factory anyway.
with third party/property, remember that your vehicle isnt covered for repairs so if you write it off you have nothing - surely it would be cheaper and great piece of mind in the long run to have it complying and legal.
As a side note when i was just getting into cars my old man said to me "Its not if you cant afford the insurance its can you afford not to". About 10yrs later I had an accident in my VU SS writing off the other vehicle and doing $8500 damage to mine - kind of made the $3300 premium i was paying very cheap indeed.
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:57 am
by Chucky
As part of the insurance agreement the vehical must be in a roadworthy condiation. Since you fail to meet QLD standards in both lift and tyres then they are not legally obligated to honor the insurance contract. Technically this also covers them even if the mods did not cause the accident
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:10 pm
by Allan Mac
Chucky wrote:As part of the insurance agreement the vehical must be in a roadworthy condiation. Since you fail to meet QLD standards in both lift and tyres then they are not legally obligated to honor the insurance contract. Technically this also covers them even if the mods did not cause the accident
I'm agree completely. As others have said, this subject continually surfaces, but the one thing that is 100% sure, insurance companies will look at anyway they can to get out of paying a claim, especially if there is any 'grey area' in regard to modifications. I'm sure far more learned ppl will correct me if I'm wrong, but majority of modifications to any vehicle, whether a 4wd or normal car, are very limited for the vehicle to remain roadworthy, IN THE EYES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. As far as I can understand, all an engineers certificate states is that the modifications have been done correctly. nothing more. Does that make the vehicle roadworthy?. I would think to require an engineers certificate, some fairly substantial mods have been undertaken, which are well outside the allowable modifications for a vehicle to be roadworthy, again IN THE EYES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES.
I stand to be corrected if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:44 pm
by grimbo
Mulisha wrote:Thanks alot for that guys...
I really don't think this full comp is going to work now as i have reduced my breaking abilty and now i have almost doubled my power so i think 3rd party is my only option i can't get insurance with anyone else becuase they won't cover me as i'm only just turned 19.
if your car isn't going to be comprehensively covered due to the illegal mods 3rd Party also won't be covered. There are insurance companies that cover modified 4wds like DGA and TCIS but as -Scott- said you gave notify them of all the mods and the mods need to be legal in the state you are in.