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Stupd Maruti Q

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:46 pm
by vicelore
Hey all

i was just wondering i hear lots about maruti zooks. .

and was after some more info on what the hell they are. thaguht they where a rare LWB sierra with a funky roof . but not sure.

and please dont ask me to search as iv been watching every zook thread on here for ages. and searched still cant seem to find pics.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:24 pm
by grimbo
did you search Google

Maruti is just the Indian company that made Sierras under licence, like the Spainish Santanas basically

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:54 pm
by Gwagensteve
There is still debate about exactly Maruti's are/were when they were sold here.

Here is what I am aware of. Not all of it might be right

As Grimbo said, Maruti build sierra variants under license from Suzuki in india. They are all LWB. This happens in a number of "third world" markets where lower tech models are more appropriate or legislation allows cars like these to be produced.

Once price and availability made LWB sierras too expensive to appeal to farmers, Suzuki started supplying the australian markets with Marutis from india.

This happened around 1992 (?)

These cars came into the country as LWB 4 speed 1.0litres. They were originally narrow track with 1.0 diffs. Dashboard was like a NT. Red or white only.

They all had a fibreglass cab back (unpainted, bare white), roof and a steel bulkhead and were available as a styleside utility or aluminium tray back.

All the cars came into australia as Styleside utes and in Victoria were cut into traybacks here with a 9" grinder :D

Later (1994?) they went to widetrack, but still with 1.0 sized diffs. apparently with WT spring spacing

Now to the compatibility issues -

Diffs are, 1.0 size as far as I am aware. (even the WT ones)
Engines are 1.0 but have a 1.3 bolt pattern/mounts
Gearbox is 1.3 pattern but 4 speed

Build quality is pretty poor generally, but as a tub and rails to build a project car, they are the newest LWB's you will ever come across.

Problem is, very very few were sold in urban areas and in the country, there will be getting pretty rough by now.

Last one I saw in a used car yard in Melbourne was about 10 years ago and it still only had $2999 on it!

This is all I know.
We have not had one in the club for years and years. 4Play built one up a couple of years ago.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:37 pm
by Jaffa
I have a Maruti, from what steve said, I think it must have been one of the earlier(est) ones in Australia, it is a 1990 model NT, 1litre motor, 4 speed with 1.3 rear mounting, 1ltr diffs with 1.3 drive flanges, disk brake front drum rear, non-asisted brake booster (if that makes sense), 1ltr bonnet (no hump), NT 1.3 dash, 1.3 sized transfer with 1ltr gearing, it was complienced(sp) by ateco. It has a fibreglass canopy made by "challenge"? I dont know if this is how it came or if it is aftermarket. The build quality on mine seems to be ok, but not as good as a suzuki.

If you want to know anymore about mine let me know


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:39 pm
by Jaffa
Gwagensteve wrote: Red or white only.
Mine was grey standard (now different grey)

Gwagensteve wrote:Gearbox is 1.3 pattern but 4 speed
Steve, do you know that for sure, I know you can put a 5 gear in the maruti box, but it involves machining, if it is a 1.3 patern would take mean that a 5 speed will bolt straight up or is the input shaft different?

Just asking cause I have a set of tranfer gears on order, but will probly need and extra gear (5th)


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:47 pm
by Gwagensteve
I don't take any responsibility for this stuff - I want someone to prove me wrong, but there are so many urban Maruti myths, who knows?
I have only been told that the engines are 1.3 bolt pattern.

Sorry I can't be more help.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:52 pm
by Jaffa
I think you may be right about the gearbox bolt pattern, but it may vary from maruti to maruti. Anyone got a 5 speed they wanna give me to test :lol:

I think the reason for the urban maruti myths is because they seem to vary so much, just small things like rear gearbox mounting, spring hanger spacings etc

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:59 pm
by mr green
i have a 93 wt. and it is wt. 4.1 gears that are in a 1.3 sized housing. not interchangable with1.0l. and i've seen a green one stock standard with thewhite roof & rear wall

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:57 am
by Zute
Mines the same as Jaffa's. It was stock when I got it. 15x5.5 rims. QLD Geo owned it first. And was very straight. I bought it from a Dealer for $5400. :shock: But had been looking for a couple of months for a Ute. It was in the yard for $6990.
Hind site; should have got a swb hard top and chopped it. Would have cost the same and had a roof that don't squeak, 1.3 donk with 5speed and common axles. :roll:

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:21 pm
by vicelore
thanks heaps for the info guys. that was exactly what i was after.

im not by any means in the market for a new zook just interested.

Thanks again . Cheers

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:44 pm
by Jaffa
Another thing I have just found out about my maruti, that may be of interest to anyone else who modifies one like mine.

The engine mounts on my 1litre seem to be the same as a 1.3litre, I just put in a 1.6 8 valve and only needed the adapter plate on the drivers side to move the mounting points slightly forwards, I think this means that a 1.3 would bolt straight in. GwagonSteve, maybe you could confirm that Im right (that 1.3's only need the engine mounts on drivers side moved forward a bit to fit a 1.6)?

BTW the gearbox mount and jackshaft on my maruti bolted to the 1.6 and sierra 5 speed perfectly.

And the 4 speed on my maruti definetly has different mounting points to a 1.3litre 5 speed and normal suzuki 1litre 4 speed, so it isn't as simple as swapping them over to get a 5 speed behind a 1litre maruti. The centre part of the gearbox itself is exactly the same as the sierra 5 speed but the bell housing is different and shift area is slightly different.

I hope this help someone.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:47 pm
by Jaffa
Zute wrote:I bought it from a Dealer for $5400.
I picked mine up for $1200 with a fibreglass canopy and roof :cool: was an old bloke who didn't know what it was.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:19 am
by Gwagensteve
Jaffa wrote:Another thing I have just found out about my maruti, that may be of interest to anyone else who modifies one like mine.

The engine mounts on my 1litre seem to be the same as a 1.3litre, GwagonSteve, maybe you could confirm that Im right (that 1.3's only need the engine mounts on drivers side moved forward a bit to fit a 1.6)?

The centre part of the gearbox itself is exactly the same as the sierra 5 speed but the bell housing is different and shift area is slightly different.

I hope this help someone.

A Thanks for the useful tech
B) Yes, sounds like the mounts are stock 1.3 location.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:03 pm
by Zute
Jaffa, Probley a dumb question but. When you fitted the 1.6 did you change the bonnet or just do a body lift to get the clearance of the engine ? And have you stuck with the same axles ?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:23 pm
by Jaffa
I did a 2" body lift, but now that it is in there, I think I could have got away with just changing the bonnet, but the body lift helps clear the tyres too.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:32 pm
by mr green
funny cars these marutis, i have one in the back yard and the mounts are not the same as the 1.3 sitting next to it. i'll cut them out & swap them over when i fit the 1.6. and btw mine is a 9/94 not 93 like i said earlier.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:32 pm
by Jaffa
Im going to keep adding stuff to this thread when I discover or confirm stuff about my maruti so anyone who's after info might be able to find it easier.

The transfer case in mine is exactly the same externaly as a 1.3 sierra TC, just fitted 6.5:1 trail tough gears, when in exactly as their instructions say. The only difference was the original gears themselves (1ltr ratios) but all shafts, flanges, seals, gaskets, shims and bearings are identical.

Rear diff is exactly the same as a 1ltr, fitted a welded 1ltr centre to the maruti diff, used maruti axels etc, only thing I had to change was the tail shaft had to make a mongrel shaft with a 1ltr yoke at the diff end. I suspect the front diff is exactly the same as a 1ltr but I havn't had it apart yet so cant confirm.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:53 pm
by mr green
i wish suzuki were still importing thes. i just googled maruti and had a look at the maruti suzuki sight. turns out the new gypsy(sierra) has a g16bb :D and a brake booster ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:23 am
by lay80n
I'm going to whack this in the bible :armsup:
Good stuff.



Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:52 am
by want33s
My contact at Maruti in India (Manish) tells me that G13 is the only engine available. It does have MPFI though!. Heres a specs list of Gypsy King from India.
Length 4010 mm

Width 1540 mm

Height 1875/1845 mm*

Wheelbase 2375

Front Track 1300 mm

Rear Track 1310 mm

Kerb Weight 985 kg/1,050kg*

Gross Vehicle Weight 1585kg/1,650kg*

Width 1540 mm
Type G13BB MPFI 16 Valve Gasoline

Cylinder 4

Displacement 1298cc

Maximum Power 80 bhp @6000 rpm

Maximum Torque 103 Nm @ 4500 rpm
Type Five forward (all Synchromesh), One reverse

Transfer gearbox Two-speed

Type constant mesh

Transfer gear ratio High : 1.409; Low : 2.268

Front and Rear Rear Leaf spring with Double action damper
Brakes With Booster
Front Disc

Rear Drum
Type F78-15-4 PR 205/70R15
Fuel tank 40 L

Engine oil 4.0 L
503,637 rupee = AU$14,400

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:05 pm
by Gwagensteve
Strewth! Just did the currency conversion for retail of a "top spec" Maruti in India to aussie $:

Live rates at 2007.04.30 02:02:56 UTC
547,396.00 INR = 16,236.90 AUD
India Rupees Australia Dollars
1 INR = 0.0296621 AUD 1 AUD = 33.7131 INR

$16K.... Yikes! I wonder what the average Indian wage is?


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:16 pm
by mr green
sorry i read g13bb wrote g16bb :x my mistake :roll:

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:48 pm
by Zute
1.3 NT CV's fit and are bigger.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:40 pm
by Jaffa
This is in another topic on here somewhere from when I couldn't find my VIN, it isn't located in the same spot as a sierra, It is on the outside of the drivers side chassis rail, behind the shackle mounts for the REAR suspension, and is probably coved in mud and crap, vicroads couldn't even find mine

Mine has a colapsable(sp?) steering shaft. (I think all 1ltr sierra's are solid)

Does anyone know of or have a maruti with rear seats, mine came with seats and belts (I assume a previous owner fitted them) but is only registered and complianced for 2 passengers.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:24 am
by Zute
Mine sort of has a calapsable shaft. It can slide up in side its self.
No rear seats.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:53 pm
by mrRocky
I have a maruti ute with soft top, extractors, bull bar for sale in the next few weeks in W.A. for $2500 car is reas tidy i was using it for my work car, but lost my liscence so i dont need it. havent advertised it yet if any ones keen

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:03 pm
by Zute
MG410 (Maruti ) Has different brake disc's. Wont fit on 1.3 zook, but 1.3 disc will fit Maruti. Its the hat part of the disc that is slightly smaller and not machined internally. I was lucky when I changed to 1.3 hubs as my disc's must have been changed before I got it. Found out, looking through parts dogalog.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:09 pm
by Zute
When buying 4.16 Calmini rockhopper gears, make sure you let them know you have a 1ltr (410). :oops: Or you will need to find the large gear from someone to make it work.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:58 pm
by Trav83yo
jaffa your zook has got the same rust in the bonnett as mine above where the battery is :armsup: :armsup: :armsup:

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:02 pm
by Puk
I found a Maruti in a farm shed and threw a 1.3 and 5 speed box into it.
I am running 30 inch muds on it with a 2" body lift, and it has a bull-bar and side bars, but absolutely NO flex. (the farmer had put heavy duty rear springs on it, and i need some standard ones to replace them before i lose my kidneys. Creaks, groans, roars and rattles come standard, but at least the extra few inches behind the seats made it easier to fit sports seats a few inches further back than standard, to accomodate the 6 foot 5 frame.

I am reasonably happy so far. Extractors are needed soon though.



P.S. I'm wondering if i would pull a bit more performance out of it by ditching the bars?