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Axle length 60/80 series, how much difference?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:48 pm
by flyology
OK, I have been advised that there is approx 2"difference between the track of a 60 and an 80 series cruiser. Now with the off set of the rear hubs being around and inch on either side, (80 series wider) how much difference is there in axle width? or are we talking 2" difference in hug to hub width, so really the track difference between 60 and 80 series is 4 inches...

Re: Axle length 60/80 series, how much difference?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:58 pm
by -Richo-
flyology wrote:OK, I have been advised that there is approx 2"difference between the track of a 60 and an 80 series cruiser. Now with the off set of the rear hubs being around and inch on either side, (80 series wider) how much difference is there in axle width? or are we talking 2" difference in hug to hub width, so really the track difference between 60 and 80 series is 4 inches...
80s track is 1600mm
60s track is 1475mm

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:16 pm
by dow50r
and to top it off....the rear hub and brake assemblies on the disc rear end 75 will bolt straight on to an 80 axle. Each hub is set further in, so track can be reduced on an 80 rear diff by 60mm....or increased on a 75 by 60mm using 80 hub/brakes :)