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Busted timing belt.
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:11 am
by 88pajero
O.K, I have busted my timing belt on my 3.0l paj. How much in general does it cost to replace them?
I swear that I have read on here before that it cost a fair bit, If thats the case it is byebye paj. couldnt be bothered spending heaps on a 355000k donk. I have just left my job and started another on a lower pay so for the minute cant even get another engine

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:21 am
by Zute
can you do the work your self ? as there are no speical tools needed.
My last belt cost $80 and new tentioner pully $57.
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:26 am
by 88pajero
yea I probably could, any tips?
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:37 pm
by Zute
Remove radiator and bottom bash plates. don't need to remove grill. You may want to replace water pump while your in there as it runs off timing belt and if it packs up you'll have the lot to do again. Check that the timing makes are right than go for a leak and re check. I found the right bank(driver side ) was the tricky side.
some other things;
Fan shroud comes out after radiator and in before rad. Air-con pump has to be unbolted from its bracket than bracket removed, fan pully frame, than cover over timing belt can be removed. air-con pump will move to the side without disconnecting pipes so wont need re-gassing.
I used Gregory's work shop manual for reference but found some things didn't need removing.
When I last did mine ( done it twice now ) I replaced all hoses, belts, crankfront oil seal (b*tch) waterpump. cost about $700 in parts but saved about $1500 in labour.
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:15 pm
by youngyNHpaj
I've bought a timing belt kit for my NH paj, can anyone tell me what the 3 seals I got in the kit are for? Cheers.
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:22 pm
by rhymus
I've done the timing belt a couple of times as well. Gets easier the more you do it. Funny how that happens. Nothing really tricky take your time and work systematically. Worst part is probably the crank bolt. Put a socket with breaker bar on the bolt and rest the handle of the bar on the left hand (passenger side) chassis rail. Disconnect the coil and turn the ignition key to bump the starter. The bolt will break loose easy. When you reassemble make sure you lock tite it well and torque to spec. Seals in timing belt kit are for the cam and crank shafts. Replace them. It sucks to stick it all back together and find an oil leak 2 weeks later. Does it sound like this happened to me? Yep. Told you I've done it a few times. Well worth doing water pump while you're in there for the same reason. Best of luck.
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:55 pm
by j-top paj
anyone want to do mine?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:08 pm
by 88pajero
In the end I got lazy, Ive taken it to get done elsewhere. Guna cost around $350 inc labour. Im not getting the waterpump done or anything, the paj has around 7 months rego on it, it wont see rego again. Just guna let it run out and get something else with low ks and that runs on diesel
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:53 pm
by Zute
Sounds like a good price. Just hope theres no hiden extras. Had a look at a Jeep Unlimited the other day, they offered me $3500 trade in for my '94 NJ, could part it out for more.
timing belt
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:57 am
by klrevo
had mine done at my mechanic at 200k. Cost me $200 including parts, did a few seals and an oil pressure switch as well. Took him all day to do between other jobs. Not totally sure hed do it again for that price after the first time, but hey, i was happy.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:52 pm
by j-top paj
200 incl parts? wheres this? do they wana do a 4d56 for the same price?