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Laws on lifts

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:12 pm
by tiggr
Greetings to all , i have been following roughly the debate on body suspension wheel lift's and like everything Gov.-Dept of Planning and Infrastructure - it's getting fairly murky .
I believe that cops Aust wide will be enforcing this and a 50mm lift will be legal and that incorp body, tyres, and springs unless you for go a lane change test driven by a C.A.M.S approved driver unless your 4x4 weighs over GVM 3500KG . This is also being heavily debated and watched by the insurance vampires , and you must at ALL times be able to produce your blue slips -permits- .
My Rangie has a 50mm body lift , 3 inch over springs , 34 inch muddies so my "eye brow height" has far exceeded this and i don't really want undue attention from the boys in blue , so my questions are ....does anyone hve FACTUAL information on this to further any points ect that have come to light .Im not interested in HEARSAY or CIRCUMSTANTUAL !!
thanks guys n girls

discourage inbreeding , ban country music

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 1:41 am
by cbr
Don't know where you are located. But here are is a post related to WA laws


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 11:33 am
by bundytunna
in vic u r allowed to lift ur cars susp 1/3 of ur original bump stop clearance
eg if you have a 3 inch space between your bump stops and axles u can lift the car 1 inch before getting engineered or whatever

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:26 pm
by Area54
bundytunna wrote:in vic u r allowed to lift ur cars susp 1/3 of ur original bump stop clearance
eg if you have a 3 inch space between your bump stops and axles u can lift the car 1 inch before getting engineered or whatever

Yep same in QLD, 1/3 increase in bump stop clearance AND droop. This is clearly stated in the QLD Transport modifications guide, available at any branch of QLD Transport. Body lifts of 50mm are allowed, after written approval and inspection.

Possibly one way around this (suspension) is to lengthen the bumpstops and use limit straps. I queried this with an officer at DOT, and he told me the same thing over and over again, no matter how many different ways I asked the question, so maybe he was trying to tell me something... ;)

What state are you in Tiggr?