I'll start from the beginning in my 93 gq tb42 I put a crane cams xr700 electronic dizzy optical reader etc... I also put in a crane cams fireball ps60 a 60,000 volt coil with the balast resister as thats what the instruction told me, also i put new plugs with 1.5 gap, it was realy great exept for a flat spot, still waiting for longer rotor from pertronics this may help here or may be the diafram in the gas converter not to worried about that my problem is i took it to a bloke to rebuild the carby he had the car and the carby kit for the day i picked it up at 5:00 and he told me he was sorry but they didnt have the equipment to rebuild carbys (why did he take the job on???) any way he then said i had wired the electronic dizzy wrong and that i didnt need th balast resister as it was only produceing 6v and i needed 12v i treid to explain the the instruction spicified that the balast resister needed to stay in this set up he argued and said he should know and charged me $100 to bypass the balast resister which i didnt want him to touch any i drove the car went great for about 100ks then started breaking down and the tacho would go hay wire
it would come to stop id turn irt over a few time it would start and of I'd go for enother radem amount of Ks and do it again now at th etime iwas on holidays a roverpark and didnt want it ruin the trip so i put up with it till i got home when i got home i tried to figure out the trouble
1. i put balast resiter back in
2. i ran a i wire from battery to resister to rule out ignition barrel
3. i replaced coil
4. i took it back they said the crane cam xr700 was faulty and
that they would give me a report that would clarify for
warranty i didnt care as long as it was replaced they then put a new
set of pionts and condenser so i could drive it to which it cost enother $100.
well i got 15 ks down the road and its still doing the same thing (so its not the crane cams stuff) its being 4 weeks $650 and its the family car and cant be driven
I pulled the dizzy cap of and if i move the shaft side to side i can hear the relays turning on and off with gas flowing to the carby there is about 1-2mm tops of play but i cant see how this is shorting everthing out.
tomorrow I will remove the tacho from coil but i dont think its the problem