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FJ40 Tcase questions

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:48 pm
by Wheeler
Hi guys

Here goes a newbie question.

I could not reach the differences among all FJ40 tcases. Which is the 4 speed? which the 3 speed? which the "Splited"? Who means a splited t case??
In the states did not arrived the FJ40 after 1979 or around, but here we got it till today, and we have another model that seems to be stronger and would like to know all models that came to identify them.

Re: FJ40 Tcase questions

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:36 pm
by Wheeler
Wheeler wrote:Hi guys

Here goes a newbie question.

I could not reach the differences among all FJ40 tcases. Which is the 4 speed? which the 3 speed? which the "Splited"? Who means a splited t case??
In the states did not arrived the FJ40 after 1979 or around, but here we got it till today, and we have another model that seems to be stronger and would like to know all models that came to identify them.
Well, let start again, I would like to bolt a 1983's TLC TCase to a Hilux T case and think to use the "Marlin Crawler rear Toy Box Adapter" to bolt it. But dont even know if works or not (splines, bolt pattern, etc)

This is the info from the Marlin Crawler Web page

Rear ToyBox Adapters
# MC21
ToyBox to Land Cruiser 3 Speed Transfercase

ToyBox to Land Cruiser 4 Speed Transfercase
Includes 3 speed PTO gear.
Includes 10 x 31 Input Gear.

# MC23
ToyBox to Land Cruiser Split Transfercase $499

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:09 am
by bj on roids
If you were in Australia from 1980 onwards it becomes "split case"

do a google image search.

The split case is fairly easy to identify, post a picture and I will tell you.

I beleive the adaptor you need is the last one:
# MC23
ToyBox to Land Cruiser Split Transfercase $499