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Battery Light on only under Acceleration
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 12:43 am
by V8 Middy
As abaove, my battery / charge light is coming on only under acceleration. Revving in neutral won't do it, neither will cruising. It happens on petrol and on gas.
I've checked for loose wires that may get pulled by the engine twisting but no joy.
Any suggestions what it might be? Engine is 5l VN V8
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:58 am
by rOd
Sounds like your alternator is playing up.
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:26 am
by 1patrol
Thats wierd its normally the other way around i would go to repco and buy a new regulator bosch part no re60(?) that would be my first and cheapest option, that is of course as long as the belt isnt slipping but that shoulda been the first thing you checked

Re: Battery Light on only under Acceleration
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:19 am
by V8Patrol
V8 Middy wrote:Revving in neutral won't do it, neither will cruising.
The engine "twist" under static reving & or crusing is far less than when its under acceleration ...... IE loaded up in gear !
Id suggest that its a torque related electrical short / faulty connection thats causing the issue, as the engine torque increases the "twist" is breaking a connection. It could be a bad connector or a broken wire thats just making a connection under idle/or cruise.
When an Alternator fails it generally wont charge at all, if the reg fails it may charge with higher revs but not at all @ idle.
Re-check your connections and the wireloom
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 10:48 am
by PJ.zook
As v8patrol said, check youre loom, and dont just pull on plugs, actually make sure you get pliers or wahtever in there and yank on every individual pin. I was caught out like this on my yamaha, the rec/reg wasnt charging, i measured for all the right voltages etc... found i needed a new rec/reg, but when i cut the plug off to adapt it to new one, a pin just fell out as it corroded right thru. A lot of cursing and wire joiners later the old one worked great.
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:18 am
Sounds like a loose belt.
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:19 pm
by xenith
second what ruff said
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:57 am
by V8 Middy
PJ.zook wrote:As v8patrol said, check youre loom, and dont just pull on plugs, actually make sure you get pliers or wahtever in there and yank on every individual pin. I was caught out like this on my yamaha, the rec/reg wasnt charging, i measured for all the right voltages etc... found i needed a new rec/reg, but when i cut the plug off to adapt it to new one, a pin just fell out as it corroded right thru. A lot of cursing and wire joiners later the old one worked great.
This was excellent advice... Thanks!!! I had jiggled every connector and wire trying to find the loose connection and came up with nothing. After reading this, decided to pull everything off and check it that way. Went to take off the regulator (I think) and 1 screw that was almost impossible to reach was missing so the bushes would pull away as the engine moved.
SOLVED!!!! Thanks guys