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Tracks in Darwin
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:17 pm
by jasonmcc
Hey and people from Darwin, know of any pretty sick tracks around Darwin or down the track.
Just having trouble finding anything that will stop my suzi and its not even trick.
Thanks Jason
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 7:35 pm
by Tojo
there's a lot of mud tracks close to town but not too many hills. There's a few good hill climbs near the speedway and also quite a few at Berrimah hills. Turn left off Berrimah road onto the bitumin road just before the lights at the Wishard Rd intersection. Then turn left on the dirt track which leads to a few hill climbs. Some are very rutted and technical. Some of these should stop your suzuki. For mud tracks try the ones at Howard river and Howard swamps. For some really steep hills try the powerline track just north of Adealide River.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:50 pm
by Kev80
Been a few years since i lived in Darwin, one track i remember was the back way to Florence falls in Lichfield park, it was fun in the wet, plenty of mud & a couple of river crossings. Can't quite remember how to get there....sorry.
On our piggin trips to Adelade river, Daily river & the Finnis river we used to find plenty of that deep black swamp mud.
Ahhh they were the days !

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:51 pm
by Kev80
Edit- double post.
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:27 pm
by Sirzooky
Near the army barracks at Robertson near palmerston there is a tank testing sort of area, when wet is very deep in places. You have to go around the back of the quarry there, may be blocked off now as i don't think they like people going in there. Took my zook in there last wet and had water over the bonnet! pretty scary in a stock zook. hehehehe.
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:48 pm
by roadrunner
Just before Tolmer falls ( heading south ) theres a side track that takes you across to the Daly River track. Almost to the Daly road the creek comes close to the road. Look real hard on your left and you may find a few marks to indicate a track. Follow your nose up the valley and after a couple of unmarked creek crossings you come to a double pool with falls in between. Been a few years since I've been up there so it may be a four lane highway by now.
Excellent in the dry but unbelievable in the wet !!!
If you're game
And you're car floats

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:46 pm
by Tojo
things have changed a lot. There is no vehicle access to Tolmer falls, no vehicle access from Lost City to Blyth homestead. The track to the Daly River Rd is gravel and the crossing on the Reynolds River East Branch has had a lump of concrete in the bottom now. Also, driving off any of the tracks is an offence and people have been charged. The track through to Daly River Rd is closed every wet season. If you go through the locked gates it is highly likey you will get caught and end up in court! Basically there are no 4wd tracks of any interest in Litchfield park anymore that are legal to drive on.