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Another bl**dy height question..

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:25 pm
by KRI55
Hi,being a newbie i have no idea about this stuff.So............

How high can i lift my GQlwb(90)by doing springs only?
Or is this not possable?
Approx how much?
Will it put any extra stress on the rear spring holders that are connected to the chassis?

Sorry to be a pain.
James. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 7:20 pm
by Area54
You can get a 6 inch Dobinson coil from Redlands 4x4, but you will need to do a whole heap of other things to put in a lift of that height.

It won't place any more strain on the spring mounts, the extra load has more to do with the style of driving that may damage the coil seats, or if overloaded.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:02 pm
by KRI55
If i do a 2" spring lift,can i keep the shocks i have now or will i need new 1's?
Can i do it by changing the springs only,and how much would it cost?

Will it be much cheaper if i fitted the springs?(is this easy?????)

How much would a 2"body lift cost me?

Would this combo cause any probs driving on the beach(rainbow,straddie ,bribie etc)?

Thanx 4 your help
James :)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:24 pm
by bogged
KRI55 wrote:If i do a 2" spring lift,can i keep the shocks i have now or will i need new 1's?
Can i do it by changing the springs only,and how much would it cost?

Will it be much cheaper if i fitted the springs?(is this easy?????)

How much would a 2"body lift cost me?

Would this combo cause any probs driving on the beach(rainbow,straddie ,bribie etc)?

Thanx 4 your help
James :)

Shocks and springs matched will cost you under $1000. Dont do it in 1/2s..

Body lift, you can do your self, just need to buy the bolts nuts and spacers.. Probably $100-200...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:25 pm
by Daisy

I got my 3 inch kit from redlands which included dobinson springs and shocks for 800 ish dollars. and bolted them in myself.

my bodylift - i sourced 10 polyurethane body blocks and some high tensile bolts from a bolt shop and bolted them in without dramas.
-body lift bolts - make sure those bolts are zinc plated as most of those 'black' bolts rust away very very fast. (150 dollars all up - plus beer) otherwise you can source your bodylift as a package from some 4x4 shops which charge 300 plus.

You can run your old shocks. but they will limit your suspension and can damage the shocks. You're better off gettin whole new suspension underneath. No good doin the job halfway as the new height you get for your car may as well damage the existing shocks as they are not designed for that much travel that the springs provide for.

Not a problem drivin on beach/sand/mud/rocks with that combination. It is entirely the drivers choice if he wants to run swaybars or not or run some quick disconnects to allow more wheel travel.

and also has some good information on how to install bodylifts.


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:27 pm
by Daisy

d'oh.. beat me by a minute :roll:


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:49 pm
by KRI55
Thanx for the info guys.
Your help is much appreciated.

James :)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:02 pm
by Darren
I have a set of series TJM 2000 shocks and springs about 2-3 inch lift
can email pics fitted to car to give you some idea of height

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:04 pm
by Darren
I have a set of series TJM 2000 shocks and springs about 2-3 inch lift
can email pics fitted to car to give you some idea of height

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:43 pm
by KRI55
I have to get my radiator done first,but i am definitely interested.
How old are they?
And yes please send me some photos.

Cheers james
