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extended brake lines on sierra
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:34 pm
by Trav83yo
yes i read the bible but the relevant topic didnt seem to have any answers
its about brake lines last night whilst having my wheel arches and flares rolled we realised that my rear brake line is a banjo string and the front two arent far behind it
so question is what have other people used to extend their brakelines on their zooks year model etc etc i drive a 93 model sierra
cheers in advance
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:30 pm
by built4thrashing
take car to a brake shop and get them to make you new ones but 4in longer.
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:39 pm
by Gwagensteve
Mate, either take your car to a brake shop that makes lines such as ABS, or remove your lines, take them to an ABS store or a specialised hose supplier such as ENZED that can do approved lines for cars.
Your lines will cost around $28 each for pretty much whatever length you need.
You can go to braided, they are about twice the price, and will give a lightly better pedal, but these are not really stronger in relation to off road damage as they don't like to stretch and are generally less flexible.
Any ethical wrecker (i.e complying with the law) will not sell you second hand lines. Second hand lines are an unknown quantity and for the price, just go with new lines.
*Rant mode on*
If anyone posts with "Nah mate, just fit swift XYZ or 300ZX whatever you will get a king sized serve from me about being a tightar$e. Brakes are too important to scrimp on. Go without a slab this week and buy proper lines.
*Rant mode off*
Sorry about that..... feel much better.
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:56 pm
by Trav83yo
lol i go without a slab most weeks (damn trainee wages) thanks for the replies anyway
but $28 is alot cheaper than what i thought they would cost which is a bonus which comes to about $84 all up which is how much i thought theyd cost each
so ill just have to take it easy and save abit
or just climb tree stumps from driver side

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:48 am
by lay80n
I will add this to the bible.
The lengthend lines are the go. Dont use 2nd hand lines from wreckers though, as thats just dodgy. As Steve said, its illegal to sell them, and just tight arse. Whats your life worth, or more important, whats the inocent person who you might kill's life worth. Braided will improve feel drffinatley. i can notice the difference in mine. But if you do decide to go that way, make sure they are ADR approved lines.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:46 pm
by Trav83yo
well im getting em done new ones in abit save up some funds cause i gotta get the master redone as its leaking its corrosive goodness all down my firewall
although id rather be cheap and get some from wreckers i dont like the uncertainty of it esp when i have my girlfriend in car or other passengers
thanks for the persuasion steve
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:15 pm
by jamespbeasley
Hey - sorry to resurect this thread - and to kinda hijack it... but Steve, you spoke about getting brake lines made up for about $28 each, but i can't find any anywhere near that price in Sydney
Overkill, Enzed, and a couple of other random brake service centres have quoted me anywhere from $84 to over $100 PER LINE!
... so i was wondering if anyone in Sydney has found a place that does good quality, ADR approved brake lines for closer to what Steve thought they would be? (Obviously i'm not interested in getting second hand etc etc)
Otherwise maybe Steve can get a couple of extended lines at $28 each and post them to NSW for me?????
If the cheapest i can get is gonna be the $84ish each - then might just hold off for now... my lines are fine i just need longer ones for articulation.
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:42 pm
by mugginsmoo
a club member got some 100mm extended lines made up from ABS brakes last week. and they were $35 each.
they even asked "what colour would you like", very "bling"
so there has to be someone near you that can make them, i suggest sitting on the phone for half a day, just ringing around.
and at $80-$100 each, would just about be cheaper to drive to melb and get some made.
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:23 pm
by WRXZook
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:34 pm
by Gwagensteve
Even braided were only about $64 each.
These prices were from Enzed and were actually for my Gwagen and they really ridicuoulsly long and special fittings had to be sourced for them.
Keep looking. Overkill won't manufacture, only on sell.
A) Are you sure they are quoting you rubber lines lots of places assume you want braided for added bling
B) Try an ABS store if you have them in NSW.
there is really nothing special bout brake lines except that they have to record that they built them in a book and give them a serial number.
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:20 pm
by lay80n
jamespbeasley wrote:Hey - sorry to resurect this thread - and to kinda hijack it... but Steve, you spoke about getting brake lines made up for about $28 each, but i can't find any anywhere near that price in Sydney
Overkill, Enzed, and a couple of other random brake service centres have quoted me anywhere from $84 to over $100 PER LINE!
... so i was wondering if anyone in Sydney has found a place that does good quality, ADR approved brake lines for closer to what Steve thought they would be? (Obviously i'm not interested in getting second hand etc etc)
Otherwise maybe Steve can get a couple of extended lines at $28 each and post them to NSW for me?????
If the cheapest i can get is gonna be the $84ish each - then might just hold off for now... my lines are fine i just need longer ones for articulation.
Not having a shot at you, but unless your brake lines are the correct length and routed correctly, THEY ARE NOT OKAY!!!! They should not go tight, or snag or rub, at any point in the suspensions cycle. Regardelss if you are not planning to wheel it or anyhting, do it right and dont put it off. This isnt a subwoofer or something, this is an essential part of your braking system.
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:40 pm
by nicbeer
I have ones that are too long but have restrained them with springs and cable ties around the chassis.
If u have seen my thread on my driving then it held up fine with that also.
Dont overlook your rear line also. mine was ok but getting tight at travel.
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:01 am
by zookimal
For the extra few bucks for those that seem to have trouble sourcing made to order lines from local suppliers at decent prices, I'll add that BBM and Snake do zook extended line kits that work out just under $50 per line and are ready to bolt on. From memory are braided then, plastic coated for durability.
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:15 pm
by jamespbeasley
Thanks guys - at least that gives me some confidence that there are cheaper options out there - i just gotta do a massive ring around! Coloured ones sound pretty cool!
And lay80n, yeah thats a fair point, i think you're right so i'l have to do something this week case i'm going wheeling next w/e.
I'll post when / where i find some when i do.
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:31 pm
by cj
mugginsmoo wrote:
a club member got some 100mm extended lines made up from ABS brakes last week. and they were $35 each.
they even asked "what colour would you like", very "bling"
Just make sure that they have enough to do both sides as Blue on side and plain the other looks a little

as he found out

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:20 pm
by mugginsmoo
yes and the sheriff will be looking closely
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:34 pm
by patzuki
Hey that s not my fault! By the way there both brown now!
Brake pedal feel is far superior.
Thinking of getting a green brake line for the back!
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:02 pm
by Highway-Star
Hey guys, sorry for the gravedig, but just a few questions:
Are all Sierra Brakelines the same fittings? i.e. can I get an old set of brakelines to take the brake shop to show them what I want made up? That way I can drive my car there, and don't have to pull it apart, then wait around and bum a lift into the brake place with someone else.
Alternatly can someone tell me what brakline fittings are on the end of the Sierra, (Mines a December '91 production Wide Track if its relevent).
Also its only the front ones that generally need doing isn't it? My car will not be having any sort of insane flex. I cannot find people explicitly saying they need to do the one rear line.
Also, How Long? I want to fit the brakelines before i fit my new suspension, that way I have no risk of pulling one off or anything. IN this thread guys seem to be saying about 100mm/4", I've also read elsewhere of 2" and 6" extended. My front end will be 2" lift (with 20mm over shackles) with commo shocks as a rough guide.
Thanks for any replies to this gravedig

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:49 pm
by Gwagensteve
Go 4" over stock. This will not cause problems with them being too long.
All sierra lines are the same once they went 1.3. 1.0's have nuts to old the lines into the brackets on the chassis and the 1.3's use spring clips ( quicker to manufacture)
So any line after 1985 will be usable a guide for the fittings.
The rear isn't a problem. It is easy to lower the chassis mount a little with some flat bar to compensate for some more travel.
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:43 pm
by Highway-Star
Cheers Steve, thats what I was after.
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:55 pm
by want33s
Gwagensteve wrote:
*Rant mode on*
If anyone posts with "Nah mate, just fit swift XYZ or 300ZX whatever you will get a king sized serve from me about being a tightar$e. Brakes are too important to scrimp on. Go without a slab this week and buy proper lines.
*Rant mode off*
Sorry about that..... feel much better.
A KE-70 Corolla REAR brake hose has the same fittings and is 100mm longer than a Suzi (rear)unit. It should cost about $25 brand new.
BTW: I agree with steve when he says that 2nd hand lines shouldn't even be considered. New is the only option for safety's sake.
However: whats wrong with using NEW "swift XYZ or 300ZX whatever" if they are the right fittings and desired length.
I don't beleive for a second that a 100mm longer (new) brake line will lead to a spongy pedal. After all Swifts have almost identical master cylinder and they don't have a spongy pedal.
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:06 pm
by PJ.zook
Not necessarily more spongy, but an overall better feel.
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:03 pm
by alien
Not sure on the exact length - but suzuki alto lines are on mine and running sweet...