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changing diffs for the first time

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:39 pm
by kurzo
hey guys

im changing my front diff out this week (just the centre) in my 89 GQ SWB, is there any little tricks i need to look out for? i have my trusty (:roll:) gregorys manual.
but is it a straight take the axles out unbolt the diff, change the bearings,
bolt in the new diff, put in the axles, repack the bearings, and put it all back together. is it that simple?

any input would be greatly accepted as i dont have the money to pay someone to put it in for me. and wouldnt mind knowing myself.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:33 am
by hammey
Yep thats it, piss easy, you might want to replace your axel seals while you have everything out. i put mine together with 'blue max' sealant.
if you intend on repacking your inner wheel bearing you will need new seals.

just lay everything out as you pull it off and you cant go wrong. ;) ;)

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:34 pm
by rickzta
oh o

i can see a phone call coming my way soon :lol: