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mq locker,what sort of non air locker are the best?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:31 pm
hey everyone im lookin at buyin a locker for my front diff as some bright spark has welded the centre in my diff....
just wondering if anyone has got or used any of the lokka, lockright ,or detroit locker style centres.
as they are much cheaper do they mess with the steerin when engaged,as my MIG locker does....
or are there any brands of airlockers or vacuum operated lockers that are under $1000 for the front diff....other than ARB...???
cheers daniel

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:12 pm
by Patroler
that are under $1000
Second hand TJM? good luck finding one! Maybe a second hand ARB, Unless you're oppossed to them? Ive got them in the front and rear of the MQ, work great, compressor aint good for pumping up 36" centipedes tho :lol:
Can't answer your Q about self lockers, never tried them, i imagine theyd mess with the steering to a lesser degree than a welded diff, but only when hubs are locked. Personally i'd keep a look out for a second hand ARB, replace the O ring maybe for good measure and away you go.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:28 pm
by MyGQ
Dunno about MQ but i have a 4WD Systems Lokka in the front of my GQ and when 4WDing compared to the open centre its a bit different to drive in 4WD, 2WD its not different, doesn't change anything.

when on the tracks its a bit harder to steer at times, and if you are on and off the throttle alot your steering tends to wander cause its torque steers.

Don't use it on the Bitchamen as that is so asking for trouble, had to drive home on the front diff once with the locker in it, man that was scary as it wanted to go left and right when i was on and off the gas.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:55 am
by tuffsahara
i also have one of those 4wd systems lokka even tho mines in a tojo i swear by it best 500 bucks i spent

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:06 am
by MyGQ
yeah, if u cant afford air locker, they are a good compromise