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Greasable v non greasable shackles

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 8:25 am
by Zam
hi Guys,

I am looking at replacing the existing suspension on 91 dc 2.8d hilux and going to a 2" lift.

So far have bee searching around a fair bit and come to decision of going Ridepro springs and shocks.

I have got a price for the full kit whichs includes, springs, shocks, u-bolts, greasable shackles and bushes of $1650 which is about the lowest price I can get, this is SUPPLIED ONLY. I thought it best to replace everything for new and keep anything with is worthwhile as spares, while chucking the rest

Now I wasnt quite looking at spending this much to do all the work myself, and was thinking if I use the existing shackles I will be saving myself about $300.

Does anyone see any potential issues with using the existing shackles and then laetr down the track potentially replacing them with the greasable jobbies. Or is their any other way of reducing the cost????



Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:25 am
by RAY185
If your shackles are in good condition (particularly the pins eg, no pitting/corrosion then there is no reason why you cant re-use them. You wont be able to check this till you pull them off though. This works as long as the shackles supplied as part of the lift kit are standard length (not extended).

Is the $300 just for front and rear greasable shackles? Thats extremely expensive, you can get standard length greasable shackles for about $20 each aftermarket and bushes are not that expensive either.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:36 am
by Zam
OK thanks for that, yeah these are rough prices on what I was quoted for bushes and shackles.

all front bushes - $55
all rear bushes - $50
all front shackles - $150 (standard length)
all rear shackles - $150 (standard length)

So thats is like $400 extra for new bushes and shackles.



Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:00 pm
by RAY185
Zam wrote:OK thanks for that, yeah these are rough prices on what I was quoted for bushes and shackles.

all front bushes - $55
all rear bushes - $50
all front shackles - $150 (standard length)
all rear shackles - $150 (standard length)

So thats is like $400 extra for new bushes and shackles.


Ok, if your hilux is a LN106 then here are Repco's retail prices on the above. (You can probably get these cheaper elsewhere if you want to shop around)

Part no 27001, Front and rear spring, front and rear eye bushes and rear spring upper shackle bushes. You will need 20 of these @ $1.30ea = $26.00

Part no 27022, Front upper shackle bushes. You will need 4 of these @ $1.90ea = $7.60

Part no 039-200012, Front Greasable Shackle. You will need 2 of these @ $20.00ea = $40.00

Part no 039-200013, Rear Greasable Shackle. You will need 2 of these @ $20.00ea = $40.00

Part no 039-200014, Front and rear greasable shackle pin (this is the fixed end of the spring). You will need 4 of these @ $10.50ea = $42.00

I get a total of $155.60

These are for "Kelpro" rubber bushes (you can get nolathane bushes for more $$ but I prefer rubber, the price you were quoted may be for nolathane), and Maxitrac shackles and pins. Both these brands are distributed by Motospecs who are owned by the same group that owns Repco.


ps: I dont work for Repco, I just buy alot of crap off them and have access to their parts database. Doesnt matter where you buy your bits from just as long as you're not getting overcharged. The figures above just give you an idea on what is out there.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:59 pm
by Gwagensteve
This isn't clear at this point -

Don't run greasable shackles with rubber bushes. Rubber bushes are destroyed by grease and don't need it anyway.

Rubber bushes will last about 12 months in a hilux that does off road work.

Urethane bushes really need to be greased regularly, but I would still recommend a strip down and clean yearly to clean all the rubbish out and inspect the pins and bushes for wear.

In exteme cases urethane bushes can promote pin wear if not well maintained.

On our suzuki's, we get months out of rubbers before they are chewed up.
(I used to run hiluxes years ago so I know what they are like on bushes)
