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Billet HI STEER arms made in NZ

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:29 pm
by jafa
We are in production finally :lol:
NZ made Billet steel Toyota Hi Steer arms for $550 NZD per pair

A few pics of the arms in production




We can DHL them to Sydney for example for an additional $200 NZD or so.
I havn't looked at any other shipping method as yet, but surface may be cheaper.

Please note these are machined from a solid block of tool steel (P20), not cast, or bent or machined by some uninterested Chinese poorly paid worker, they are tough as f@#k steel, the kingpin spigot is pressed in then capscrewed. The arms are in the process of being certified for use on public roads in NZ.

Order up
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:36 pm
by Guy
First up .. $200NZD to get em shipped over .. i will fly over take a holiday and pick up half a dozen sets and make my money back hand delivering em around Aus when I get home. :D

Look very neat, can you do the hole for the tie rods etc (not shown in pic)

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:54 pm
by Tiny
product looks tops, but $550 plus $200 for shipping will prolly be a little picy for most, I would try and get someone over here to take them on and sea freight a few of them over, they should cut the cost quite a bit

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 4:27 pm
by 1MadEngineer
Congrats they are a nice set of arms, it is great to see someone at last going to the effort of counterboring/spigoting the kingpin in place, 99% of the $hit arms we get here in oz are all just bolted onto the flat and this is the most common point of failure and problems associated with bent or snapped studs.!!!!!

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 10:13 am
by coopster
how heavy are they if not to heavy put them in a postal bag and it will save an cost of freight for sure

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 11:47 am
by MissDrew
1MadEngineer wrote:Congrats they are a nice set of arms, it is great to see someone at last going to the effort of counterboring/spigoting the kingpin in place, 99% of the $hit arms we get here in oz are all just bolted onto the flat and this is the most common point of failure and problems associated with bent or snapped studs.!!!!!

The other problem with them is the tapper hole for the cones is to deep and the washers that go top of the cones tighten up on the arms and not the cones as the cones are shallower then the tapper. Does that make sense :?