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delta 5 speed

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:28 am
by scrat
Hi folks

After a bit of seaching i've decided to just ask. What engine did the daihatsu delta come with and is the gearbox compaiable with any diesel's from the rocky range.

I ask because i have one of the old Marks heavy duty converions for the hiulx. I dont what to use a v8 in my hilux so am wondring what diesel options i may have to bolt up to his box.

Thanks for the help

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:45 pm
by Sweeney
I think you will have to find out with model/series Delta your gearbox is out of. I do not know if they had different gearbox in them over the years.

The during eighties the Delta had the following:
DG 2.5L (also in F50/F55's Scats)
DL 2.8L (also in F60/F65 Scat's and F70/F75/F77 Rocky's)
B 3.0L (same as Toyota Dyna's and BJ40's)

Later models had 3B 3.6L motors which where also fitted to Dyna's and BJ70's.

The differences between F60\F65 and Delta DL's and the Rocky's DL's is that the Rocky's had the later model DL's had a timing belt, rotary injector pump, 5-bearing camshaft, 28mm gudgen pins and crankshaft driven oil pump.
The Delta's and F60/F65's had the early DL's with gear-driven timing, inline injector pump, 3-bearing camshaft, 26mm guden pins and camshaft driven oil pump.

I think the above information is correct and I hope it helps.