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End of an era

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:49 pm
by 88pajero
Well the paj days are over for me now. Just sold the old girl on ebay for a whopping $1650 (mongrels and all)
A big thankyou for all who have helped me out over the years with little problems here and there and a VERY big thankyou to Pajerosrv for giving me the idea to go and modify the shitter out of her.
Sadly I chose to do this when the car had clocked up over 300000ks so she started to die rather quickly.
Looks like Ill be driving an ea for a couple of months before stepping into either a 4.2l GQ11 or an 80series.
Cheers :)

(By the way, I still hold much respect for the underrated pajes, ill still recomend for people to give them a go)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:01 pm
by NJV6
Good luck dude :cool: We're sure you'll pop in from time to time :armsup:

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:52 am
by PajeroSRV
All good things come to an end!!

Let us know when you have the new car Rick.