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rotating the gearstick on a h55f
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:41 pm
by shorty_f0rty
on the bj42 i picked up the previous owner appears to have rotated the gearstick approximately 90deg clockwise.. he was pretty short and the curve in the gearstick goes towards the driver. being considerably taller, when using 5th gear, i can't get my knee between the steering wheel and teh gear stick..
is it a simple matter of removing the boot, unbolting the coverplate and returning the gearstick to the original position?
anything i need to be careful off when im there? I havent fiddled with the gearbox before..
its a 5spd bj42..
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:27 pm
by RAY185
Hey Andy, are you sure he rotated it? I'm thinking he might have bent it as the gear stick only goes in 1 way ( at least it does on my 60 series 5 speed). Should have a couple of prongs at 3 and 9 o clock that locate the lever from memory.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:49 pm
by shorty_f0rty
g'day ray.. yeh pretty sure..
compared it to my other 40 and the bend is the same angle at the same place..
I'll bust it open on the weekend and see what the go is..
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:49 pm
by shorty_f0rty
does it just sit in there or do i need to unbolt it to remove it? spose i'll find out when i get my hands dirty eh?
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:56 pm
by goannaoffroad
The gear stick can only go in one way it must have been bent.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:11 am
by RAY185
Andy,(from memory) once you remove the selector boot you have to turn a locking cap on the selector housing. It should undo anti clockwise. Then just pull up on the lever and you will see that it will pop straight out. All that locates it are the 2 prongs (for positioning) and the locking cap (holds it in). Just bend it to where you want it to be. If the bush on the end of the stick is flogged out then grab one from Toyota (cheap) and that should take care of any excess flop. No one likes an excessively floppy lever.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:42 pm
by shorty_f0rty
well.. checked this out this morning..
compared it to the gearstick in the other 40 and its about 50mm longer.. so that could explain why i can't get my knee in there to change to/from 5th
it was an easy swap otherwise..
thanks for your help guys..