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After a dirty, messy weekend?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 7:54 pm
by Macca177
How much do u clean your truck after a big dirty drive?
do u all go round re grease everything or do we only do this on ocassions?
get high pressure hoses??? or do we just take it to a crystal car wash an pay sumone else to do it :)

just wondering:)

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:08 pm
by MissDrew
I spend the best part of a day as I clean out rails, sills, doors, every little hole ets as I hate having mud etc fall on my face when working on/under it. Some times I use high pressure at home but if its very sandy mud (after nissan trials) I only use garden hose so that I don`t take the risk of pushing more sand into seals etc.

Gets greesed once in a blue moon. Just like air filter gets cleaned about once every 3 years :roll: but gets new fuel, oil filters every 5000kms

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:28 pm
by marin
if its real dirty, i blast at the high pressure place, then use my own high pressure at home to do the nitty gritty, then give it a wash with a sponge and stuff, and then move onto the inside ( i should learn to close my windows, but then u can't see out them, cauz they covered in mud, catch 22) i grease all them nipply bits about every 6 months when i take it in to my mate work, pressure grease gun, its so easy on the hoist

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 9:13 pm
by V8Patrol
Grease it the day before I head off for a play. Check oil & water, tyre pressures,fuel up and spray it with a mix of "baby oil" and "transmission fluid" on the departure day.
After the return home I use a fire hose at the local servo to remove the excess and then home for a pressure wash with the gernie, might do a hand wash 2 or 3 days later.....pending on how dirty it still is :D

note:... the baby oil and tranny fluid is an old speedway trick to prevent the mud from sticking in the first place, it does still build up but generally falls of much sooner. The "mix lasts a full day in the mud and usually only comes off with a pressure wash or soapy hand wash. Application is done either by hand using a rag or lately ( getting lazy here) a kero gun attached to the aircompressor !!!
I also "RAIN X " all glass areas.... magic stuff that !

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 9:18 pm
by marin
the rainz sounds like a good idea.... the baby oil and transmission fluid i'm unsure of....

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 9:20 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
What ratio of baby oil to trans fluid do you use?

Oh and I wash my Patrol by waiting for the rain :D

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 9:33 pm
by V8Patrol
50/50 is a good mix .... however some variations with the season might help too. more baby oil in summer seems to work better with dusty then mud sections. more tranny fluid in total winter mud and rain conditions is slightly better.
best wiped on with a rag on the places mud sticks to on the outside of ya rig IE around mudflaps and flares....... use a kero gun to apply it under wheel arches, chassis rails etc

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:01 pm
by Ruggers
diesel is also a good way off stoping mud and grime sticking to your and ir just washes of with soapy water