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gu air filters into GQ's

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:51 pm
by ozy1
i have one, and will be fittin it this week, who has em, any tips, how did you hok your snorkel to it, im thinkin of using some flexible rubber hose, did you have to adjustthe hole in the guard

all tips and fitin pics appreciated,


Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:54 pm
by embryo
mate keen to see what turns out here. post up pics and 'how to' would be great. are you doing it for the bigger intake?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:51 pm
by Den81
Hi there, it should bolt straight in, the bolt holes will already be in the guard. I have a safari snorkel and it lined up perfectly! I used some flexy hose to join to the snorkel and sealed it with automotive silicone. The airbox was off a zd30. Good luck.

Cheers Den


Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:04 pm
by ozy1
thanks for the pic, also am interested in people with duel battry trays as mine looks like i have to ove the battry tray over 40mm, for it to squeeze in,

did you have to cut the ring that seals against the guard off to put the hose on?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:59 pm
by Den81
No i put the hose on the inside and sealed it with silicone. Im going to change it to the outside tho and the ring will need to be ground off.

Cheers den

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:13 am
by ozy1
Den81 wrote:No i put the hose on the inside and sealed it with silicone. Im going to change it to the outside tho and the ring will need to be ground off.

Cheers den
cool, thanks Den i was looking at cuttin that ring off, but i noticed on the GU's it actually seals agains the guard, and was wondering of people did it this way, but ill cut it off, and fit her up soon,

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:25 am
by beretta
Hey SHawn,

Mate I have one in my GQ, yes it bolts straight in to the guard but mine doesn't butt up against the guard like the old precleaner did, it has about an inch gap. I intend on cutting the ring off and putting tube over it to join to a 4" stainless snorkle. Let me know if you want pics, I have a few.

Cheers, Beretts

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:27 pm
by ozy1
went out ad had a crack at fitting this morning, now i have a safari snorkel, so its gunna hook up,

yes mine has a gap as well, i cut the ring off and fitted the air cleaner in, i had to move my ARB battry tray towards the fire wall to fit the outlet of thesnorkel is just under 90mm, the GQ airfilter housing is 90mm, now i just gotta find some hose, and bolt my battry tray back in and its sweet,

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:38 pm
by ozy1
ok, after dpomg this, and having to move the battry tray, wich in turn requires the washer bottle to be moved,

i had to reshape the inner guard to suit the new washer bottle location, as the base of thee washer bottle is shaped to match the inner guard, being we weather i didnt have time to get pics thou,

this is a heads up for people fitting the air filter housing with ARB battry trays,

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:25 pm
by turbodave
Thanks for the heads up.

About how far did you have to move the battery tray? I don't really want to mess around with moving the washer bottle and tray. If it's not much, i'll just "massage" the tray.

I've got a custom snorkel aswell so it's going to be a PITA to get everything to line up anyway.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:31 am
by ozy1
i ended up moving the battery tray up 40mm or so, about 40mm moves it up so the arb battry tray is just about touching the rasied section over the shock tower,

i thenhad to massage the inner guard a tad lower to get the overflow bottle to fit and sit flat again, all in all id say from start to ed, no stops it was about a 2 hour job, with all mt measuring trial fits, massaging, redrilling holes for battery tray mounts and the likes, but all hooked up now and i say its worth the effort,

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:16 pm
by Snatchy
It looks much neater.
Is this mod supposed to flow more air than the standard GQ filter set up, with or without the pre-cleaner? i have a TD42 with DTS turbo kit, so am interested in benefits.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:22 pm
by Hof
Hi all,

Well I started an install like the others today.. Basically got a new GU airbox and putting it in the GQ, which is a TD42 with dual battery..

So far I have put the airbox in, had to make up a spacer to go between new airbox and guard where the snorkel is, as already stated its about a one inch gap..

I have had to pull out the dual battery box to install the airbox and at present its still out.. I didnt have the outlet attachment that bolts to the new airbox so had to make up a plate with a bit of three inch pipe welded to it.. came out sweet!!

With the battery box theres two ways I can see of putting it back in.. Either move it along and redrill holes for bolts etc and bash guard to fit washer bottle etc..

OR - cut battery tray along where the edge of the battery goes, so the washer bottle, bolt holes etc all line up.. weld a plate on the side and weld battery piece along so it all fits.. (hope this makes sense)

I think im going to try the cut and weld as I think this will look better and fit more neatly!!

Ill post pics through the week to show you all what ive done..



Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:39 pm
by ozy1
Hof wrote:
1- had to make up a spacer to go between new airbox and guard where the snorkel is, as already stated its about a one inch gap..

2- I didnt have the outlet attachment that bolts to the new airbox so had to make up a plate with a bit of three inch pipe welded to it.. came out sweet!!
1- , i cut off the small flange lip that normally seals against the inner guard, and just used hose to connect snokel and air box, hose required is 89mm ID
2- i cut off that square flange and just put the 3" hose straight onto it, workd a treat,