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75 Ser V8 engine mounts

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:54 pm
by dazza30875
Hi there! I finily got my Marks Holden V8 kit for my 75 Ser.
My question is, is there any reason why I cant use the standed chassis
mounts instead of cutting them off and weld other ones on that Marks
supply. I only got the engine adaptor for this reason. I thort I might try the standed chassis mounts first.
If any one has done this with good resolts please let me know. thanks

Re: 75 Ser V8 engine mounts

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:09 pm
by dazzsbuggy
[quote="dazza30875"]Hi there! I finily got my Marks Holden V8 kit for my 75 Ser.
My question is, is there any reason why I cant use the standed chassis
mounts instead of cutting them off and weld other ones on that Marks
supply. I only got the engine adaptor for this reason. I thort I might try the standed chassis mounts first.
If any one has done this with good resolts please let me know. thanks[/quote] cut them off you pussy

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:27 pm
by dazza30875
Whats the point when there is plenty of room to use the standed ones.
Have u done this conversion?


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:05 pm
by 75 cruser
i just used the marks ones in my truck and no issues just bolt engine and gear box togeather and then bolt them up and tack weld them in place and remove engine and weld in new mounts, too many issues with old ones sit too far back and then your trying to make brackets etc


what parts did u run

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:48 pm
by dazza30875
Thank for that advice Rob. What clutch did u run and what did u do about exorst manifolds as in did u run extractors or carst manifolds.


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:22 pm
by 75 cruser
i ran the commodore pressure plate and clutch with the addapter shaft from marks, mark was telling me to run a early holden clutch, but i had a late model engine and the late model fly wheel and ended up running a late model clutch as the are a fair bit bigger, as for the exhaust i came across some custom extractors which just bolted up ( have to be lucky some times )



Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:53 pm
by dazza30875
Thanks again rob.
I rang marks and they told me I had to run the 12" clutch witch come in the 80 ser cruiser, I wil look at the com clutch tomorow.