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fuel tanks capacity and consumption of v6 4runner. LPG?
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:43 pm
by markil
I've just purchased a 91 3.0 V6 4runner and it has a long range tank. I'm hoping to be able to tow my zook with this to comps and it's my new daily driver.
I wanna know what the capacity of the stock tank is and what it is with the long range one under there too. I filled up what I thought was all the way full today but it only took around 80L, I thought it would hold more with the long range tank in there?
Also would like to hear what kind of fuel consumption people are getting out of these engines. I think I'm using around the 15L/100km at the moment, will work it out after I go through the first tank of fuel.
And how much petrol should I expect to use when towing the zook behind it (1400kg zook + trailor)?
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:44 pm
by searsy989
Stock tank is pretty small. Dunno how big it is but can't be more than 70 litres. Fuel consumption is... in a word... scary. Best i've ever done out of a tank is 400Km. Most of the time, i get about 350Km. Don't know how much it would be when towing but i can't imagine it being crash hot. Also, the 3.0 V6 does not like hills.
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:24 am
by j-top paj
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:26 pm
by steven101
searsy989 wrote:Stock tank is pretty small. Dunno how big it is but can't be more than 70 litres. Fuel consumption is... in a word... scary. Best i've ever done out of a tank is 400Km. Most of the time, i get about 350Km. Don't know how much it would be when towing but i can't imagine it being crash hot. Also, the 3.0 V6 does not like hills.
I find that hard to belive even the latest Pajero is about
18 Litres/100 km / 88 litre tank = 480 KM
And thats with like a 3.6 Litre engine or 3.8 or somthing
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:19 pm
by -Nemesis-
The standard tank is 65L useable capacity. So something is up if it has a reserve tank.
Typical fuel consumption is around 15L/100km around town if sensible. It's not great economy, but not bad compared to most petrol 4WD's. Towing all that weight will push the usage up a fair whack, but it will depend on the type of roads i guess, more hills = more fuel.
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:45 pm
by fatmanjt
I swapped a commodore I had with a 4 runner just recently, was like new. Lasted 6 days then I sold it. What a gutless thing they are, I drove it from Newy to sydney twice in the week I had it and could not believe how under powered these things are. To top it off the fuel economy was terrible (about 350kms to a tank).
Even though your only towing a zuk, it's going to be some slow and expensive trips for you.
Best option is sell it, buy a GQ pettie, on gas, cheap to run and alot more power than a gutless 4 runner.
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:11 pm
by killalux
get about 370-400km a tank, half highway half town
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:16 pm
by -Nemesis-
They need revs to do the job. Yes they are underpowered compared to a Commodore that's 500kg lighter and more powerfull, but with the right revs they do as asked. I can remember countless trips running up the freeway in convoy with Lux's and modded GQ's etc... I used to wring it's neck but i also used to leave most 4WD's of the same vintage in my wake on the big hills.
Then I went 1UZ

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:20 pm
by j-top paj
u back on the road yet?
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:42 pm
by -Nemesis-
I was, but in a new 4Runner that's just come back off the road for a heart transplant. The insurance co wrote the white one off

But they paid me more than it was worth heheh...
For now i've got a new runner with all the swanky gear, it's getting the 1UZ and will end up being my daily/camping truck. Idea is to get a play toy for later on (and put the diffs/susp from the white runner under it if I don't sell them)
Already got the barwork (less b-bar for now) and some bling thanks to Ryano. Luckily they're not that shiny now heheh

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:45 pm
by j-top paj
so the v8 isnt in it yet? looks

so far
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:04 pm
by -Nemesis-
Nah not yet, starting stripping the V6 today though. The V8 is ready to come out of the white one (got the salvage.) Hopefully it's a speedy process...
I didn't bother with a new members thread here or putting it in my old done. Didn't think OL members would give two hoots about a 4by that's 'nice' hehe
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:03 am
by markil
Thanks for all the replies, pretty much what i was expecting
j-top paj wrote:pics?
It looks like a white 4 runner with a bullbar
Might post some later on in my members section if I can be bothered.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:10 pm
by j-top paj
when we taking it to appin

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:10 pm
by j-top paj
or the dropzone
wont be white anymore
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:01 pm
by markil
I filled it up again today. It took 111 litres this time. I'm averaging out at 14.4l/100km (1/2 freeway, 1/2 city driving) and I'm quite happy with it atm
Also how do these engines go with gas? Just thinking it might be a worthwhile conversion at the moment...
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:19 am
by j-top paj
14k per hundred isnt too bad dude.
ive heard that on gas they are not too bad but can be a little unreliable but..