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Toughdog Shocks
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:59 pm
by cazook
Trying to find where to get a good deal on toughdog shocks in Brissy.
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:10 am
by sudso
Opposite Lock are their main distributors so give them a try.
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:10 pm
by chpd 80
Had tough dogs in my cruiser for less than 12 months, and wouldnt
touch them again if someone gave them to me.
They worked great when they were brand new but faded real fast and ended up with their hardest setting being same as their softest setting.
Had lots of people say the same after trying them. I've got
nitrochargers now for about half the price and they absolutely
p1ss allover the "woosey puppies".

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:30 pm
by badger
superior, boab, johnz off this board, oposite lock and lots of other places sell them.
chpd80 did you have boots on the shocks? and did you bother to take them back when they played up.
toughdogs are one of the best shocks around but did have dodgy seals for a while.
that said mine are 3 years old never been rebuilt and are just starting to leak now, still ride perfectly.
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:39 pm
by superzuki
i had the for around 2 yrs i wouldnt buy them again. bore is to big and hits on other suspensoin components (in my gq). they were great wen new but began to leak after a few months. were driven mostly onroad i usualy go 4wding once a month. i ended up bending one on the rear badly. i think sumthing got caught between it and the spring but cause no other suspension components bent. i posted some pics of them a few weeks ago.
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:22 pm
by Nelso
I wouldn't waste your money on Toughdogs either. Everything I bought sh1t itself or faded fast and they weren't interested in fixing the problems properly when I did take it back. For the same price you can get better quality gear that doesn't have a bad reputation.
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:22 pm
by chpd 80
chpd80 did you have boots on the shocks? and did you bother to take them back when they played up.
Yep had boots on the shocks and were in good condition, No I
didn't bother persuing any warranty on them as SO many people
were having the same probs as I had so I just put it down to
experience, but I will never recommend them to anyone.
Glad to hear you've had a good run with yours.
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:13 am
by skippy's GQ
How come when someone asks about a product on here it turns into a slagging session....

: And he only asked where to get them from, not if any one had problems wiv them
I've had Tough dog on mine for over 2 Years now and the only problem i've had was a piston comming off one of my back shockies, they replacesed it strait away with no hassels, still have had no problen with them to this date, still like they came out of the box

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:47 am
by oondy
I can do a good deal for you.
PM sent mate.
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:25 pm
by chpd 80
How come when someone asks about a product on here it turns into a slagging session.... : And he only asked where to get them from, not if any one had problems wiv them
Because its an OPEN forum here where we can voice our opinions
and experience on anything for the better of everyone.
If you've had a good experience with something tell us so we too can
be benifited and if something has broken or been sub-standard tell
us that too so we can make an informed decision on whether to buy
it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:08 pm
by badger
if you wish to express how crap you think something is perhapse make your own thread, or express this in a thread asking about "what shock to buy" or "should i buy tough dogs"
the guy asked where he could get them from not if you could bash tough dogs
im sure there are better shocks out there but i am yet to see a shock for the same coin that compares on a heavy, lifted with wheel travel (eg gq or 80)
i also know the efs extreems are supposed to be awesome too, but i have heard of just as many failures from them too and they arent adjustable.
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:47 pm
by chpd 80
You have just contradicted yourself by bagging the EFS Extreme
shocks ????????
Maybe you should start your own thread asking about "what shock to buy" or "should i buy EFS Extremes"

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:48 am
by skippy's GQ
Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:02 am
by Nelso
skippy's GQ wrote:How come when someone asks about a product on here it turns into a slagging session....

: And he only asked where to get them from, not if any one had problems wiv them
I've had Tough dog on mine for over 2 Years now and the only problem i've had was a piston comming off one of my back shockies, they replacesed it strait away with no hassels, still have had no problen with them to this date, still like they came out of the box

It's to help others with a similar interest in 4wding to not waste money on products that have cost some of us quite a bit of money with trial and error. If only I had people who had been there and done what I was doing, to give me advise on the products to get and the ones to avoid, I would have saved myself a heap of money. At the end of the day it's only advice on a computer screen and there is no pressure to accept that advice. If cazook still wants to buy his toughdogs then he can choose to ignore any advice against them and still go out and purchase them. Then if they have improved their product and they are no longer sh1t, he can then let everyone know on this open forum that encourages honest opinions of 4wd gear. And if they are still the same quality as they were when so many of us wasted our money on them, then he can join the masses and bag them too.
Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:41 pm
by Suspension Stuff
Skippy is a soft roader so he wouldn't break his.
Every shocks has its limits. It is whether it cools down again unaffected by the abuse that counts. All shocks will fade a bit after you intially run them in.
I agree with Nelso, most people would like a heads up if there is a problem with a brand, I know I would.
I have never sold Tough Dogs because of the seal problems but I have been told they have fixed that problem but proof will be in the pudding. I could sell them for $270 including freight. ( I could sell them cheaper but I would like to leave room for any possible warranty issues.) EFS Extremes for $230 each and Procomps for $125 each including freight. I have a Website that might help but I don't have all these products on there yet.
I am in Brisbane by the way but freight for free Nationwide.
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:29 am
by skippy's GQ
4WD Stuff wrote:Skippy is a soft roader so he wouldn't break his.
Yeah this is true, i limit my forbing to McDonalds car parks on a thursday night..

i hit the more extream stuff on the weekends( KFC, Pizza Hut)