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Commodore V6 into hilux(not Tonka)

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:47 am
by high n mighty
I was asked to take some photo's by a member so I thought I would make a thread for the bible and save the searching drama's...

I havent gotten far but can start to shed some light as I go along.

Firstly I am using a VP series II engine in my LN106 with Marks4WD Adaptors gear, background to swapping is not currently relevent.

Marks supply a shortened and re-splined commodore output shaft to adapt to the toyota transfer case, to install this the automatic gearbox is almost pulled down to nothing, after watching a mechanic do it I can tell you that it is definately not a job for a backyard warrior :shock: , almost everything is removed and re-fitted. Atleast this gives you the chance to find out the condition of the box though...

Fitting the transfer case onto the rear of the commodore box appears easy(I will add to this later after the correct components have been supplied..), the extension housing would have been removed while the output shaft was being installed so to attach the adaptor itself is a simple task of a gasket and 6 bolts...

With ALL hilux models you must remove the passenger side engine mount tower and clean the surrounding area of the chassis, this is where you will be welding the supplied engine mount tower that attaches to a std commodore engine mount.

The drivers side is connected using a std hilux engine mounting rubber joined to the V6 via another adaptor plate directly to the engine, the toyota rubber mount must be flipped 180 degrees to where it sits on a yota engine otherwise the drivers side of the engine will sit low and it is impossible to get the passenger side sitting true for welding.

So basically now you simply do a trial fit of the engine. Lower it in place with the gearbox and transfer attached, bolt the transfer case down into the crossmember and the crossmember to the chassis as per normal mounting. Attach the D/S engine mount and do it up as per normal.

Now you can sit the supplied engine mount post on the chassis and bolt it to the engine, make sure that it sits true on the chassis whilst the engine is held by the hoist.

The marks adaptors guidebook suggests doing all this, tacking the mounting post to the chassis and then removing the engine and gearbox to do the final welds on the post, I had a skilled and confident welder doing mine and he was comfortable welding it on while the engine was still connected. I guess this could save a damn lot of time if you know someone as confident.

Be very aware of the clearance between the N/S engine mount and the airconditioning compressor and allow for the engine to slump onto the engine mount rubbers once it isn't held by a hoist.

Will post pics tomorrow of the current progress

That's it so far, at this point the engine is sitting in position and ready for the next step etc. I have a gearbox drama that needs addressing but will continue the bible entry and edit this post to suit...

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:13 pm
by high n mighty
Toyota engine mount pillar hacked off with a cutting disk, obviously I cleaned it up with a grinding wheel followed by a flapdisk although didn't take pics as it is ust a clean bit of chassis...
A picture of the adaptor in place between the T700 and toyota transfer, my geabox is bare and going for a rebuild, adaptor is also bare as a part was not supplied. This was fitted to find out the final position and weld the new mount in..

New set-up going in.

All welded up and sitting in place..


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:39 pm
by high n mighty
Fitting the throttle cable appears very easy. I simply drilled out the commodore throttle pulley to I think 8mm to accept the lead end of the hilu cable. Then I drilled the cable guide, the split peice of steel on the side... to 13mm so the hilux cable sheaf would sit in place neatly. You then just bend it open with pliers and fit your lux cable in before closing it up.

Then I have used a peice of 19x3mm flatbar to hold the cable adjuster. Just drill an 8mm hole near the end of the flatbar and open the end up with a cutting disk. Cut it to length around 15mm(from the base of the opened hole) and weld it to the commodore bracket. It is pretty self explanitary when you have it all in front of you :D

The pic isn't very clear and maybe I will get another one tomorrow in daylight but the bracket in the middle is what is needed. It works very well, the throttle opens all the way and shuts all the way :armsup:


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:28 pm
by luxadore
good on ya for making this up very helpful
im doing the exact same conversion soon, have all the bits at home just waiting for some more time + money
would be interested in seeing what you are using for fuel system and return line?
ive got a VL pump and lift pump but not sure where to mount these and the surge.
also, had any problems hooking up the power steering?