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Problem with the lux..

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:11 pm
by Luxy
The lux is still not going :evil:
Got the rear wheel bearing replaced, which was loose anyway, but the sound is still there. Its a clunking type, which I though was the diff when it first happen.
After putting the rear axle back in today, and going for another run, its still pretty much the same. I tighened up the front wheel bearings, which were a little loose, and also took of the rear tailshaft, and the sound is still there.
Or is there anyway it could be the gearbox/transfer case.
Gear shifting is fine though....

If its the diff can I swap my diffs over (95' model with 4.5 diffs). I have a pair of 4.88 diffs of a 83' lux here as well in great shape.
Will the 4.88's bolt stright up to the 95' model if I do a straight swap?
Do I need to change anything else at all?
I will also replace the front diff with the other 4.88 to keep the ratio's the same.
Is there any problems that I will come across before I change them?
Thanks guys

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:21 pm
by bundyboy
when exactly does the sound happen???

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:05 pm
by Luxy
Just general driving, as soon as you take off, through any gear or just staying at any speed. Its there the whole time.

I was also thinkng it might be bearing in the diff, as this would still be turning through the axle when the tailshaft was disconnected :?:

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:10 pm
by 308LUX
yeh ya diff is gone

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:34 pm
by killalux
i had the exact prob with mine not long ago, ya diff is missing some teeth.
the best way to tell would be to drain the diff oil and see if there are any chunks of metal in it or if it looks like metalic paint with sparkly metal bits all throuh it.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:58 pm
by Luxy
Already drain the oil, and didn't seem to be any shiny bits in there, topped it up with new oil again though while I have been trynig to work out what exactly has gone wrong :?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:20 pm
by oozuk
jack the rear in the air and run the car thru the gears and listen closely for the noise, then repeat these steps + remove the rear tail shaft,
If the noise is still there then it's either in the tfer case or gbox

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:06 am
by Luxy
I have done this also.
Although the noise isn't really there, only under pressure when driving on the road.
If I take out the rear shaft completely, and run it on the front shaft, the noise is still there. But when I jack up the car and run it through the gears on the car stands, it doesn't make a noise, only does it under pressure on the road :? It doesn't matter if the rear shaft is in or out.
And when im on the road, I drop the box into neutral, in both the gearbox and transfer case, and its still there. So I think I have counted out the box or transfer as I didn't think any gears would be running through here when they are in Neutral.

I haven't checked the wheel bearing yet on the rear passenger side. So I might take that out and check it.
The other wheel bearings are fine though. (After I replaced the drivers side rear yesterday.)

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:11 pm
by killalux
try runnin it on the stands with the handbrake on slightly as to put some load on the diff

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:25 pm
by Luxy
I took the other axle out, and the bearing was completely shagged.
Knocking real good when I turned the axle by hand!
Cheaper than the other options! transfer, gearbox, diff etc! :)