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More from Lebanon

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:58 pm
by DiscoDino
Well, I'm back in the US after 3.5 weeks of vacation...did 6 trips, where I'd consider 4 were hardcore...


1. rear pinion (Yukon 4.88)...I'm getting the pictures from my buddy (wife stole the camera that day)...the damage is done to the CENTER of the 8 teeth...quite weird I thought...not the tip or the bottom of the teeth, just the center...could be anything from bad install/retightening to no oil, you name it...or simply too much tire...

2. That was it!

I know, I was expecting my 27 Chromo Longs to blow, specially at certain instances (jump, mild humping, etc...) but the combination on Auto and easy gas action helped...

Plans for next year are 3" wider (spacers unfortunately), 2" lower (removal of rear miselaneous spacers) and 6-8" longer wheelbase from the front with a wishbone 3 link, coil overs & full hydro...

Enough talk, here are some pics (note that video will follow):

I bought a '98 DD (cheaper than renting a car for 3.5 months!)...will get some work on that too (33s, lockers, hidden winch, mild stuff):


Spent some time in a sand quarry...



Had my mechanic join the fun and test drive the truck...








Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:59 pm
by DiscoDino
This picture is from the first run this can see the mesh grill was in place. The fans would turn on very frequently so I decided to take the grill off and see if it was blocking the airflow...indeed it the fans turn on momentarily, unless static/offroad (it also shaves 200g from the truck's nose :finger: ):


I enjoyed a run with a fellow wheeler with a sweet truck (454, D60s, 42s) and ran an untouched ravine that was quite steep at times and had rocks strewn in at weird locations...the video do it more justice than the pictures...






Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:02 pm
by DiscoDino
Also went camping...we were only 3, and on the truck most of the time (3rd dude on the tray doing "turret duty")...but there are some deep sections in the river...named "Dog River", its one of the richest areas in Lebanon (fauna/flora) with the cleanest water...that is until the recent past where you have loads of garbage all over the place...I'm working with the local wheelers to mount a "camp'n'clean" next year...




There is plenty of video and will post up when they are all uploaded...

While I was addressing me rear pinion I thought I'd check on my rear axles since June 2004:



Seems fine (Jac Mac quality far better than their service, that's for sure)

Also decided to go retained in the rear...I think my decision was 1/2 due to the noise, and 1/2 due to the stability issues...



Those are 6 years old!

So that's that for now...videos to come...also, will throw my plan out to you guys before I start ordering parts and calculating the front suspension...


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:09 pm
by Loanrangie
Nice pics Nadim, you dont think of Lebanon being lush and green, what part of the country is that ? When i worked in Israel years ago i was suprised how greeen it was in some parts especially on the east side of lake Tiberias.


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:39 pm
by stooge
Sweet pictures and truck :cool:

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:38 pm
by Reddo
More more more, this is great to see...can't wait for the enxt installment. Good to see the JMs are holding up well, make the PITA service seem worthwhile - but then again maybe it's like Childbirth, after a while you go back for more!!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:19 pm
by DiscoDino
Thx guys...Lebanon is nothing but green...that is unless humans have settled in that area...then it is dry/concrete (much like anywhere on this earth)...

With mountains starting at 650m altitude, you can easily have any terrain you the same time (rivers, trees, swamps, snow, rocks...etc...)...

When I post the videos it should be easier to enjoy!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:08 am
by DiscoDino

First batch (new trail with teh YJ on 42s):

1. ... 1043&hl=en

2. ... 3296&hl=en

More to come...

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:32 pm
by KiwiBacon
That is still the coolest rover based rig I've ever seen. :cool:

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:16 am
by j-top paj
nice lookin rig mate :cool:

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:29 am
by DiscoDino


Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:04 am
by stampy4x4
Wicked rig! Whod've thunk a Disco could be so modded - great ideas executed perfectly!