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Series 1 Disco Rear Wheel Carrier, I wish Kaymar made one!

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:25 pm
by DirtyDiesel
G'day Folks.

I found out about the joys of red dust getting into the back of my wagon after travelling from Brewarrina to Cobar. I now know why Kaymar spare tyre carriers are popular!

Unfortunately, Kaymar don't make them for a Series 1 Disco. They do however, make them for a Series 2. You can also purchase a Series 1 steel rear bumper from Scorpion Racing in the UK.

My game plan is to go and see a boilermaker and get him to do a cut and shut, using parts from the Kaymar Series 2, and integrate them onto the Scorpion Racing steel replacement bumper.

What do you lot reckon? I am interested on some feedback on this one. Is it feasible?


Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:37 pm
by stampy4x4
Have you tried Op Lock - They have steel tyre carrier bars from Outback Accessories in W.A. Maybe they do a Series 1 ?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:54 am
by amtravic1
Les Richmond Automotive used to list one but it does not seem to be on the web site now. You could try calling them.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:40 pm
by Loanrangie
Make one from scratch it will be easier than modding one and cheaper, look in general teck section, there is a full right up with pics on a jeep rear bar with wheel carrier that could easily be made to fit a disco.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:00 pm
by Reddo
I'd say a S2 one can be cut and shut withoutn too much trouble. Have a look for Brooksey's posts, he makes them and very well too - maybe on 4wdrive monthly forums.

We made one from scratch - posted some piccies ... and I think on here somewhere (I forget) ... ndex2.html

The main issue will be the sides I think, which will require some guard chopping - but this is good anyway to provide more clearance.