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An Apology
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:00 pm
by rick130
A while back I disagreed with Strange Rover (Sam) and Isuzurover (Ben) over the profile of current Maxi Drive Axles.
I stated they were machined to the minor spline diameter.
I had to whip mine out over Christmas (yeah, yeah, the axles as well
) and quickly measured them.
They are waisted, but not all the way down to the minor spline diameter, but probably a millimetre or so above this dimension.
Sorry fella's.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:22 pm
by Strange Rover
Bugger - and you had me convinced also. Did you quote some text on the maxi axles from somewhere??
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 6:02 am
by rick130
Strange Rover wrote:Bugger - and you had me convinced also. Did you quote some text on the maxi axles from somewhere??
yep, it was quoted straight out of my Maxi Drive cattle dog.
They are waisted down, just not quite all the way. I didn't write down the dimensions, but I think the axle diameter was @ 30mm, and the minor spline dia. @29mm.
I knew they were waisted, I'd installed the things, but after Ben took me to task over it, and he knows Mal and his products.......
I had to to change discs, seals, etc, so I got a chance to measure with the calipers.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:45 am
Apology accepted - I had forgotten all about it.
Is this a rover axle or a salisbury? The axle on which the locking dog runs has to have positive splines, so this axle must be machined over its entire length anyway. It would be easy for Mal to waist that one.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:46 am
by red90
Here is what is says in my catalog.
"Axles are machined all over and waisted full length to achieve a uniform polar section modulus comparable to the smallest spline. This ensure the axle can flex like a torsion bar to accomodate shock loads. Diameter changes are done smoothly to avoid stress points. After splining they are heat treated to achieve a through hardness of approximately 1500 MPa. Then finally bead blasted."
So what he is doing is calculating the polar section in the splined section, then machining the centers to give the same section modulus in a round section. This should give the same nominal peak stress in the shaft body and the spline section (outside of the spline contact are) due to torsion.
What Mal needs to due is write up all this stuff and put it on a website. He might then be able to stop spending the whole day answering questions on the phone. Common Ben, put a site together for him..... Website development in exchange for parts......
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:50 am
I know what the catalogue says and the reasons for doing it but I am sure my MD Salisbury axles aren't waisted. Though probably because Mal doesn't want them to look smaller than the factory salisbury axles which aren't waisted either.
He may have changed how he makes them since I bought mine.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:34 pm
by rick130
Ben it's a Sals diff. Would have bought the axles two years ago.