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turbo life
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:27 pm
by chips59
seen this on another forum, these were 2.8 and 3.0lts. just wanted some thoughts on turbo life for a 2000 4.2.
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:21 pm
by badger
mines not a factory turbo but it has done 345000kms. tis a tad sad now tho, still runs 15 psi
motor on the other hand is still loving it n has seen nothing but a new pump, some oil n filters:)
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:36 pm
by Ibsn
yeah, i don't know how old my DTS turbo is on my 92 GQ TD42 but it was installed in perth, and I live in brisbane (bought it at 300 000k's now 333 000), running 14psi, which is probably a little high considering I want to preserve the life of everything for as long as possible,
I took off the manifold pipeing down to the intake blades on the turbo, and they are cut up pretty bad something at some stage has obviously got past the air filter.... The leading edge of the blades is rough, and the turbo makes a great sound when spooling, but maybe this is not meant to be, as its got rough cutting blades generating more noise then they should...
Still it hauls ass, and the motor is faultless, Aside from a little knock/tapping that comes in and out, which I believe might just be some noisy valves (checked the valve clearances, which didnt make a difference). Seeming the motors on 333 000k's its probably to be expected that things get a little noisy. And I have heard this tapping from other td42 motors I pull up beside at lights...
And that might be just me convincing myself that the occasional tapping is really ok. I must ask on this forum if anyone has heard it from the td42 before... and anything i should be tuneing up ?
Pull of the pipes that lead down to your turbo, and have a look at those leading edge blades.. I would be interested to know if the wear on mine, is to be expected after thousands of k's spinning at spastic RPM's or maybe something really has goten into mine, causing such damage. (I'm just in no financial position to be doing much about it)
Maybe even a turbo after 300 000k's the blades should be pretty smick still - which I suppose if they had nothing but clean air this would be the case..
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:32 pm
by nastytroll
your compressor wheel may be rubbing on the housing if the bush the shaft runs in is worn, if you can push/pull the turbo compressor wheel in/out it might be time to give it a birthday
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:05 pm
by badger
or file it and buy a ball bearing jobby:)