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Triangulated 4 link GQ

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:57 pm
by smee2u
Hi, l am thinking about a triangulated 4 link set up in the back of my GQ shorty.
I am aware of all the potential benefits, but am wondering if its going to tear through bushes at a fast rate or will they hold up ok ?
Are there any other bad points associated with this mod, providing that it is all set up correctly ?

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:01 am
by Sandy Rut
depends on the amount of travel you are going to run.
depends on the length of the arms too - longer arms = less bush rotation = longer life.

I was contemplating doing this mod but I dont have the time or patience to build, test, tear down, build again (repeat this) until I get it right. I think I will stick with Mr Nissans trusty reliable 5-link :D