TDI Fuel Probs
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:00 pm
Hey guys i'm having a few troubles with my 300tdi..
First thing i noticed was pressurising of the fuel tank so much so it showed up a few small weeps around the sedimenter.Undo the fuel tank let the pressure out and its all good.
Now just recently it idles rough ocassionly(notice this most when say pulling up at the lights as the revs drop) and lacks power ocassionally(fuel starved).
The obvious thought is a blockage somewhere but where should i start?
First thing i noticed was pressurising of the fuel tank so much so it showed up a few small weeps around the sedimenter.Undo the fuel tank let the pressure out and its all good.
Now just recently it idles rough ocassionly(notice this most when say pulling up at the lights as the revs drop) and lacks power ocassionally(fuel starved).
The obvious thought is a blockage somewhere but where should i start?